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View Full Version : Hail to thee!

Elai Aida
03-20-2009, 04:30 PM
The blonde male stands in the center of the chamber. Dressed in plain clothes, he looks like a normal farm boy.
In his hands, he hold a worn staff which seems to glimmer in a strange way.

The man slowly takes a few steps forward until he reaches the desk where the man/woman is sitting. After he have
cleared his throat, he says:

"Hail to thee, people of Wessex! My name is Elai Aida! And I have come to seek acceptance into Wessex!"
The man tightens his grip on the staff, and creates a blue ball in the air above him.
"I have the powers of magic, and I feel its my duty to use it to save as many people as I can!"
The man eases the grip on his staff and the magic ball goes away.

"I am a faithful one, one who worships the Sun God, Auros!" He lowers his head and mumbles a few godly words.
After that, he raises his head.
"As of that, I would like to apply for the Church of Auros when I have proven myself as a loyal follower!"

Elai Aida slowly bows his head down.


Greetings! As you should know by now, my in-game name is Elai Aida, and I'm a Mercian human male.
A little darker skin than normal skin, blonde hair with a pony-tail.

I love to do a little of everything, usually I harvest material and other stuff, or I decide to go on some adventure! (Alone often).

In Real Life (IRL!) I work as a welder/Metal-worker, and I live in Sweden.

Thank you for accepting me, and I hope we will have good times together!

Hail to the King! Rauwr!

Raven Nevermore
03-20-2009, 09:46 PM
Welcome to the Duchy young man.

The Church is always looking for Friars to join them if your mind is set and you are a devout person.

I wish you well with your exam.