View Full Version : Hello, again.

Reigner the Teuton
03-19-2009, 06:50 PM
Hey everyone, about 2 months ago I joined DoW but had alot of real life things going on to really get involved... but now that thats out of the way, and Darkfall is finally out, Id like to re-introduce myself...

I live in Austin Texas and have been playing MMOs for about 5 years now, and waiting for DF for 1 year.

My ingame name is Reigner Bloodfang (getting my forum name changed asap). Im a Mirdain that doesnt really know what I want to do, Ive tried melee, magic, and archery and love all of them, but havent decided what to major in...

But Ive had enough of solo running around and kiting goblins, so Im trying to get involved back in the clan that interested me so much in the beginning, so. Hello, again. ;)

Raven Nevermore
03-19-2009, 11:04 PM
Welcome back