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View Full Version : ABEYANT - INACTIVE - Grant of Arms - Jord Hunter, Esq.

Komako the Hawk
08-07-2006, 09:56 PM

TO ALL AND SINGULAR to whom these presents shall come, Komako the Hawk, Herald to the Duke of Wessex, bid well.

WHEREAS Jord Hunter has demonstrated valiant deeds and cunning, and has been taken as Esquire to His Grace the Duke of Wessex, he is desirous of having Letters Patent of Armorial Ensigns granted and appointed unto him and duly recorded in His Majesty's College of Arms, and accordingly hath rightly requested the favour of His Grace's Warrant for our granting and assigning such Arms.

AND FOREASMUCH His Grace the Duke of Wessex did by Warrant under his hand and Seal authorize and direct me to grant and assign such Arms and Crest and in the same Patent such Device and Badge accordingly, Know Ye therefore that I in pursuance of His Grace's Warrant and by virtue of the Letters Patent granted by The Duke and by The King's Most Excellent Majesty do by these Presents grant and assign unto the said Jord Hunter the Arms following,

THAT IS TO SAY: Quartered argent and sable, a chevron under a glowing crown or: surmounted by a helm argent and or, the helm is surmounted by a wreath or, which is in turn surmounted by two horns argent. Supported: dexter a boar argent, and sinister a horse sable. Motto: "Ubi Concordia, Ibi Victoria" on escrolls above and below. Under all a carved compartment argent. The whole of which comprises the Heraldic Achievement.

THESE MAY BE BORNE and used forever hereafter by the said Jord Hunter and by his descendants with their due and proper differences according to the Laws of Arms. In witness whereof I have to these Presents subscribed my name and affixed the seal of my office, by the Grace of the Goddess Eternal and His Majesty King of Mercia and His Grace the Duke of Wessex.

Komako the Hawk,
Herald of Wessex
Seeker of Truth

08-08-2006, 07:44 AM
Komako the Hawk,
Herald of Wessex
Seeker of Truth


But nice work on the art, and congrats again to the lucky new Esquire ;)

Aliria Dyair
08-08-2006, 02:27 PM
very nice. congrats jord!

Surly von Fishbarrel
08-08-2006, 02:37 PM
my compliments to the designer and to jord, that's a very nice coat of arms. my favorite of all of them made so far.

Sayton Reinhardt
08-10-2006, 01:42 PM
Very nice indeed. With a coat of arms like that my life would be complete.

Godric Whitetree
08-10-2006, 03:02 PM
Congrats to Jord in his achievements. Beautiful work...