View Full Version : A Traveling Tale
Delthena DeTaron
08-07-2006, 06:39 PM
With cloak tugged tight against the elements, it seemed at odds to have the hood fall back from the spun gold of her hair. Savanna was not often in opposition with herself, not as she was through this journey. Dove-grey hues scanned with interest the surroundings; foresaking attention that had best be paid to the road she walked.
Walk indeed, as deer hide boots made soft wickering sounds with each footfall pressed to the earth between the muddy ruts created by scores of wagons and carts which had come and gone this same pass. Sightseeing - an occupation that paid in death or robbery near as naught, but one afforded to herself in understated confidence. More likely it was distraction itself, for thoughts ran onward despite the need to remain constant in vigilence.
Memories, they warmed the soul in the darkest nights and gave hope in the moment of true fear. They also could captivate their own holder when persued with no limitations. This memory carried her anon. 'Twas a setting she knew too well, one that would hold her dreamily for another league or so. This was the recollection of home.
Tel'Rune was a jewel in the landscape of held territories, and this one held both her heart and mind. Every moment another face begged to be named, to have their story told as well, even if the audence was of one whom held dear familiarlarity to the tales. From washerwoman and fishmongers to the youngest street urchin and the eldest of the Guard, Savanna knew them all.
As the proprieter to the Thorny Rose Inne, she'd done quite well for herself. Not financially so much as gaining riches of the soul. To know the people whom held position of import in the day to day life, this was a gift that Savanna understood. A tinker once tried to explain to her how certain items could work, something of gears and cogs - and a trip to the local mill had shown in full life example. Each person was a cog of a greater effort. No one could expect any community to exist alone, sole with dependency. Granted some could carve life for themselves, garnering skills beyond the basics and talent alone, but most would rely upon another.
The Inne depended on Hattie for the laundering of the bedding, on dear Maggie for the mending, Constance, despite her mouth, was needed for the freshest of fish, Brayth for the finest of venison found in any forest. They, in turn, came to her Inne for a hearty meal, a spring chilled drink, and the news of the day. Savanna provided more than mead to travelers, she was - to some - the heart of the village. Decisions were made, alliances crumbled or joined, wars were declared, marriages were celebrated; she couldn't count the number of births which started life, and duels which ended them and all occurred in the Inne.
Why then was she here?
Glance unclouded as the soft gaze slid over the well maintained lands to the right, the rich woods to the left, and a gentle smile crossed her lips. She was here to recapture life. The dark banding upon her left arm spoke of the mourning period she embraced still. Her home lands could not ease her ache, each sight bringing only the depth of longing pain. To lose a husband, a mate, was a hard journey and the steps taken brought her to a point where she could see a future again, and so the journey continued. To start fresh, clean.. "Hello?"
Was that a sound ahead or perhaps to the left up around the bend? Gaia blessed, she wasn't positive either way. Curiosity led her onwards almost eager to find some interaction after the lengthy time in self imposed solitude. "Even a brigand would be welcome company..." She mused, sending her smile to warm, and delicate features to drift to life with coloring once more.
(( Yes, I wrote far far too much. *smiles* I only apologize for the length and to those readers/members who disregard all things wordy. Known as 'WinterStar' recently, and by my RP chars for years on the net and off, I'm glad to have found the Duchy of Wessex and the anticipated game of DarkFall. Like some, I come from a strict RP background - introduced to games like Lineage and so on only recently. To find one that 'may' combine both is extraordinary.
Back to myself. I'm 34 (ancient!) and have been RPing since I was 8 years old. Table top, LARP, online, text or actionary - dice or freeform, it's all wonderful. I've played countless systems, created two of my own, and still table top to this day (Saved the Larping craving for the less fuffilling SCA and Ren Fair circuits).
I've been called pushy and domineering by some, but generally considered 'smart, kind, and way too good' by others. I look forward to each and all forming their own opinions. I hold hope that I can contribute something to the community at large, and carve a happy niche for myself as well.
I'm still rather foggy on the 'how' to becoming a member within the Forums, though determined reading of the posts I can see is helping. As most observed thus far are less inclined to the rp - I'll not expect any play from the intro. Just something to write - hopefully giving a feel for myself and this character (created in '87 - ah I feel old!). Any questions happily answered, intelligent debates craved! Thank you for the oppurtunity - Keli the WinterStar ))
08-07-2006, 08:03 PM
Well, opinion you can find a'plenty with me, though the rp is quite lacking.
Others, I'm sure will love to join you.
Komako the Hawk
08-07-2006, 08:12 PM
There will always be a lack of RP, in a PK-favored game.
The Dukes sticky on RP does explain well how Wessex will handle it.
Nira Nathair
08-07-2006, 08:20 PM
The faint sounds grew louder, and were punctuated by the clash of steel upon steel. Around the bend ahead, a short, stocky figure was engaged in mortal combat with a huge hulk of an ork in the grisly bone armor of his tribe.
"Have at you!" the dwarf shouted as she sprang forward. The ork easily parried her blow and she hopped back with a low grunt and a curse in dwarvish. The ork reacted to the curse by raising his axe high and screaming in rage - apparently he understood the dwarf's remark about his mother.
Nira didn't waste this opportunity. She dropped her shield, lunging and rolling between the beast's legs. Grasping the haft of her smaller axe in both hands, she swung it around with full force into the back of his right knee. As the ork spun his torso around to face the little menace, she pulled the axe out and in the same motion slammed her left shoulder into his other knee, knocking it out from under him. With his right leg no longer able to support his weight and his spinning throwing him off balance, he fell to the side flat on his face, and hit the earth with a heavy thud. Before he hit the ground the dwarf had already stood and spun around, raising her axe high above her head, and as he hit she brough it down deftly on the back of his neck, in the gap between his helmet and armor. His limbs twitched a few times, and then he moved no more.
"Burlufotr alicarl!" (loosly, "clumsy footed fatso") she shouted, and spat on the corpse with disgust. She then kicked it once for good measure, and set about searching the beast's ragged loot sack.
(Welcome to Wessex! I'm always excited to meet the more RP-inclined. I hope you find our community to be what you're looking for.
And a special hello from a fellow SCAer!)
Delthena DeTaron
08-07-2006, 08:23 PM
((A thought then, as to the RP bits sliding into some form of use, or at least to keep the more peace-loving types from going stark raving mad with boredom. Yes, I have never PKed anyone, though just last night I was at the recieving end of a beat down from not one, but two of the PK breed. It was semi-humorous, to be honest. Myself, some mid level nothing of an archer, and they rather high ended, one-hit-Harry style. I just didn't get the point.
In that scenario, killing my char didn't gain them xp, or objects through drops.. there was no scenario advancement, not a single tactic that would increase any odds.. so why do it? I'd love to understand what PK is for in those cases. As to within an SL construct, I assume any PK can lead to some versions of fame, wealth, a little fear inspired ego trip. It can also further a Storyline, develop a reputation, or just another body count in a war. All that I do get, look forward to as well.
As far as RP goes.. and do correct me if I'm far off based - I had believed that Darkfall would allow for citizens.. craftsman and 'business' men of various races and cultures. Could not a tavern be the setting for alliances, gossip, gambling, trading..and so on? Or would the tavern itself merely be window dressing to an activity that can be done anywhere.. and within that a hassle, as few will want to return back to townA and tavern2 when they can pass it along with PMs, and a line of sight trade?
*ponders* Going onwards with that, do I dare assume that His Grace, and all those whom hold position and Caste here within the organization, benefit not at all from such ties once the game itself is in motion? Aye, I have read the entreaty focused upon RP and agree wholeheartedly... only now seeking some semblence of ideas on the mechanics.
Sadly enough, wondering if Darkfall would not hold a place for someone like myself within it.))
08-07-2006, 08:32 PM
((Absolutely it will. It will be much like in that way.))
Nira Nathair
08-07-2006, 08:44 PM
In that scenario, killing my char didn't gain them xp, or objects through drops.. there was no scenario advancement, not a single tactic that would increase any odds.. so why do it?
Well, a lot of kids get a kick out of hurting others, even if they gain nothing by it, and especially if they're supposed to hate you due to race or faction or whatever. Then there are griefers, but that's a whole different subject.
As far as RP goes.. and do correct me if I'm far off based - I had believed that Darkfall would allow for citizens.. craftsman and 'business' men of various races and cultures.
Of course, you can certainly choose to focus on crafting and roleplaying and only fight to defend yourself. Hopefully it will have a rich crafting, trading, and economic system so citizen types will never be bored.
Could not a tavern be the setting for alliances, gossip, gambling, trading..and so on? Or would the tavern itself merely be window dressing to an activity that can be done anywhere.. and within that a hassle, as few will want to return back to townA and tavern2 when they can pass it along with PMs, and a line of sight trade?
I think most people will find such a thing to be more of a hassle unless it's specifically to sit down and RP for a while. Everyone has limited play time and we all choose to spend it differently, and for most the focus will always be on the PvP combat and conquest and the rest just the framework in which that happens.
Delthena DeTaron
08-07-2006, 08:46 PM
Orcs. That was a race Savy had much familiarlarity to. Not of the 'do come in, won't you?' variety, neither. Yes, there were a few allies whom held such a race as labor or aide de camp, yet over all they were a foul breed with the manners less suited for a swamp than anywhere. The other one though, and it took a bit of time to sort out flailing limbs, weapons, and garb, to measure what went where, was a tad new. Small in stature? Rather thick limbed, and a female. Savanna could not recall ever having met a being quite like it - so would, of course, assume it was a height challanged human. Poor thing, and yet what a scrapper, to take on the blubbery bulk of a heinous orc as well.
The end blow, whether severing all the way through, or merely cleaving spinal column in twain, was no matter, as long as it was dead, of course. As the female went about her gathering of whatever wasn't foul and useless, Savanna stepped closer. Not a word spoken did she comprehend.. though the clear spat of contempt was readily understood. A bond, perhaps, for safety, as Savy had no love with the Orcs either.
She was on the small side as well, a bird of a creature - in near enough ways. Plaited honey-toned strands were intricately arranged to form over her head, the delicate bonestructure, dove hued eyes, curious smile.. all offered clues to a nature. It was with movement which caused the swaying of the fur and wool cloak to display glimpses of the slender frame beneath, and with wonder, a lack of stature here as well. Standing under the five foot mark and assuredly less than nine stone in weight - the voice matched the form, and flowed with clear accentuations of an elven breed.
" ?Quel andune.." ah, and a switch to common was made, yet always a weak wish to find another who spoke her tongue. "Good day, and well met. A grand battle was waged, though I fear you were far more than a match for your friend there.." Dead orc.. not a worry. Fear of the femme attacking her? None there either. Not due to a massive and well hidden fighting ability, nor for the greatest of wizardry hiding under the cloak.. no, Savanna had something else. Faith in the goodness of all living things, despite themselves.. and curiosity. Would one win out, let it be Faith, for we all know what happened to the cat.
"I am Savanna Talbain, traveling to Wessex.." Was it a Barony.. a Duchy? Fie on her memory, or perhaps it was something that had never mattered to her.. whether hovel or castle, there was no place like home. Just a matter of getting there. Now was the time to see if the vertically challanged woman.. girl? Could understand and speak common. Savanna wasn't about to prattle on all day speaking to the air and a staring female who understood not a word.
(( Ah, well met, and thank you. I've sorely missed connecting to the SCA and RP worlds of late. A fair injury has detained me from participating in Pennsic this year. Sad, sad the affairs of life when the one worth living is denied. Do we continue writing here in this thread or is it more suited to moving to another catergory? Would hate to tread toes on my first attempt.))
Delthena DeTaron
08-07-2006, 08:54 PM
Of course, you can certainly choose to focus on crafting and roleplaying and only fight to defend yourself. Hopefully it will have a rich crafting, trading, and economic system so citizen types will never be bored.
I think most people will find such a thing to be more of a hassle unless it's specifically to sit down and RP for a while. Everyone has limited play time and we all choose to spend it differently, and for most the focus will always be on the PvP combat and conquest and the rest just the framework in which that happens.
((Thank you, to all whom did reply on the ooc areas of PK and PvP and so on.. One day i shall find a game construct that does it all. *Smiles* Some are -only- focused on the crafting/skills others on the fighting..and if there is crafting it's a leveling situation more than a necessity. When a game holds a strict and 'realistic' economic base and builds a civillian aspect within it, then i do believe the game would benefit all factions of players, not just the fighters OR the crafters. Likely though, it will not focus upon RP either, as the variables from such an undertaking would be hellish to script.
Ah, to dream of a world where mice don't carry gold and a death is not counteracted with a relogin.. *grins* Until then, Huzzah to Wessex.))
Komako the Hawk
08-07-2006, 09:04 PM
Don't be afraid to trend upon others toes.
The Seeker has probably bruised some and broken a few, although the Seeker cares not, for what is a mere toe?
Manus Dei
08-07-2006, 09:05 PM
((As far as RP goes.. and do correct me if I'm far off based - I had believed that Darkfall would allow for citizens.. craftsman and 'business' men of various races and cultures. Could not a tavern be the setting for alliances, gossip, gambling, trading..and so on? Or would the tavern itself merely be window dressing to an activity that can be done anywhere.. and within that a hassle, as few will want to return back to townA and tavern2 when they can pass it along with PMs, and a line of sight trade?
*ponders* Going onwards with that, do I dare assume that His Grace, and all those whom hold position and Caste here within the organization, benefit not at all from such ties once the game itself is in motion? Aye, I have read the entreaty focused upon RP and agree wholeheartedly... only now seeking some semblence of ideas on the mechanics.
((While we would consider a tavern an unlikely place to seal an alliance, I know what you mean about buildings and institutions in the game serving appropriate purposes. One of the nice things about Darkfall that attracts me to it so much is that it seems like everything in it WILL have a purpose and not simply be fluff, which will do so much to increase immersion.
For instance, unlike other games, I understand that in Darkfall one will gain benefits from eating food, so there you have the reason and the draw for people to frequent taverns. Then, I also hear that paper and written correspondence will be possible in the game, and so we have a purpose for there to be a Chancery or clerk's offices wherein we can issue official writs that people can carry on their persons for identification or other official purposes. There's also a rumor that /telling may be limited to only within your guild, and that will really make things nice, as it would give a purpose to call an in person meeting with that foreign clan leader...
Even though roleplaying is "not required" and we make a point of the roleplaying being built into the very structure and atmosphere of Wessex, because of that very reason, Wessex is really a roleplayer's dream.
Plus, as an SCAer, I am sure you will appreciate all the nuances and accuracy of the Wessex government, truly modeled on a medieval noble's court without any lack of understanding of the purposes of various positions. Being in a virtual world allows this to even be MORE than the SCA, where kings aren't people who just won a tournament one year and dukes aren't merely "ex-kings".
It's nice to see someone of your persuasion coming to Wessex, Savanna, and I would like to welcome you personally. To be sure, it's also a wonderful relief to see someone who wants to be a burgess, not just because we are in dire need of crafters to handle the economic side of our enterprise, but because the system of freemen and boroughs adds a very important part to the overall vision of Wessex that I would like to see more fulfilled.))
edit: PS, the Darkfall devs won't have any rats carrying gold! ;-)
Delthena DeTaron
08-07-2006, 09:23 PM
((While we would consider a tavern an unlikely place to seal an alliance, ...(edit)
edit: PS, the Darkfall devs won't have any rats carrying gold! ;-)
((And yet I've seen the most intriguing bits of warfare which could turn tides, all by a shared ale and a whispered conversation. Perhaps His Grace would not find aligning with an Earl in a tavern appropriate, but a considered aid from one Man-at-Arms to the Scout of Earl Someoneorother can flip a solo march into a roused charge.. Not all must be completed within the gilded trappings..
Also the openings of many inner city issues can be resolved far faster (poorly or not) by a quick game of bones and a few pints. Your Merchant Brig Captain may be disgruntled by the taxes levied on the dock, and the wharfmaster might be gleaning a few coin on the side. A good tender or keep can be a grand ally.. and a fearsome foe.. all while comfortable befor their hearth.
I am waxing poetic, and as others have pointed out - there may not be a true use for any of those options. I will hold faith, thank you, especially now armed with these details. No gold carrying mice.. I believe I found heaven. ( was worrying the next "insert something here' Tycoon game would have Platinum card carrying chickens. Never know.
Komako - *laughs* Where others hold no fear, I am far more the type to give effort on toeing the line... and a toe is valuable.. balance in all things.. but walking straight would be nice too.
Duke Wessex - Thank you for your personalized response and welcome. I am most pleased to be here, and offer whatever services may be needed. Not sure yet what constructive aid I can be, but the offer stands firm. ))
Manus Dei
08-07-2006, 09:36 PM
((And yet I've seen the most intriguing bits of warfare which could turn tides, all by a shared ale and a whispered conversation. Perhaps His Grace would not find aligning with an Earl in a tavern appropriate, but a considered aid from one Man-at-Arms to the Scout of Earl Someoneorother can flip a solo march into a roused charge.. Not all must be completed within the gilded trappings..
Also the openings of many inner city issues can be resolved far faster (poorly or not) by a quick game of bones and a few pints. Your Merchant Brig Captain may be disgruntled by the taxes levied on the dock, and the wharfmaster might be gleaning a few coin on the side. A good tender or keep can be a grand ally.. and a fearsome foe.. all while comfortable befor their hearth. ))
And there will be tariffs exacted at the dock, and there will be inner city policies to be resolved. And if there are reeves skimming some of the taxes, there will be hell to pay, but it is definitely a possibility. It all revolves around giving people a purpose to congregate. When there is a reason for them to be drawn together, the intrigues ensue from there. I hope the developers realize this and carry through with their plan to make eating so very important.
Komako the Hawk
08-07-2006, 09:41 PM
Technically a Reeve would be subject to fine and/or public humiliation if he or she was caught skimming taxes, though.
Delthena DeTaron
08-07-2006, 09:56 PM
To some people - public humiliation is hell. *chuckles* then again, it may depend on how long the skim was going on, how much the cut was. Would not do to try and fund a war, finding the coffers a bit bare, and some lovely Reeve sluicing the take to fund the opposing forces. from annoying to painful, to fatal.. that one Reeve could truly face all levels of hell, or just kick back with a pint in my tavern. Never know..
*Secretly makes a reeve character to sluice funds*
08-07-2006, 11:06 PM
While the Duke may not be one for making deals in taverns, I on the other hand have no difficulty in doing so and welcome the opportunity wherever that may be.
oh, and keep up the good RP stuff, I enjoy reading it though am useless at responding.
08-07-2006, 11:07 PM
Don't be afraid to trend upon others toes.
The Seeker has probably bruised some and broken a few, although the Seeker cares not, for what is a mere toe?
The Seeker ought to beware of who's toes he decides to step on.
Komako the Hawk
08-07-2006, 11:20 PM
All toes are equal to each other, unless the Goddess wills it different.
08-08-2006, 02:12 AM
All toes may be equal, but all people are not. Either way, your "goddess" and I will be having a little chat.
Komako the Hawk
08-08-2006, 02:23 AM
None can speak to the Goddess until she has spoken to them.
Nira Nathair
08-08-2006, 06:10 PM
Nira startled at the words of the mirdain tongue, grabbing her axe but remaining crouched over the fallen ork. Her eyes narrowed as she examined the figure before her.
She rose to her feet slowly as the woman finished her introduction. "Aye well, you've found it." She bent back over the corpse, tore off a rag and used it to wipe the blood from the axe's head. "You've been in His Grace's domain for well on two days now, if ye came by this road." Her brow furrowed. "You've come on foot? These aren't the safest lands for a traveller just now, especially your kind. The orks have been running wild here for several months. This one," she growled and kicked the ork's body again for emphasis, "helped raid a peaceful village last night. It took me hours to chase him down!"
Nira discarded the rag and hung the axe at her belt. She pulled off her helm to reveal a tangled knot of long, brown hair. How much she had changed in the last few months since her own arrival in the duchy! She tried to remember just when it happened. Certainly training in the duke's garrison had given her more strength and confidence. Greeting so many high-born and important foreign visitors also played a part. But she thought mostly it must be the fresh air and open spaces, far from the mines and forges of her childhood in Dvergheim, where she'd never really felt at home. Here she was accepted for who she was, and they put her abilities to good use.
She stuck the helm under one arm and gave a formal curtsey (as best she could in full leather armor, anyway). "Nira Nathair," she said, pronouncing the second "nuh-HAIR". "Soldier of Wessex and herald in His Grace's court. What brings you to the duchy, miss Talbain?"
Delthena DeTaron
08-08-2006, 08:36 PM
"Mrs, actually, and a pleasure to make your acquaintence, Dame Nathair." Savanna smiled still, though mind percolated over the details. Foremost was of the fact she'd passed into Ducal lands and not noticed it, surely not for lackings, but her own preoccupations. Yes, she could agree wholeheartedly that travel alone, anywhere was dangerous, and with the Orc presence so strong, as the Dame alluded to, Savanna was just lucky to have come through unscathed.
Now that the first was attended to, the where and all, came the second considerations. The woman was far more confident and well versed than originally anticipated. Both for the issue of being a fighter, and one whom may have held a harder lot in life. Savanna quite appreciated the bolder viewpoint, the lack of facade as none was detected, and yet the initial words were begging to be questioned. "My kind..? Is there a ban within this land against the Eldalie?" Could exist, truly, for Savanna had known many of the differing breeds and cousins of her people. Tales shared over a cold draught enough to make her thank Gaia she had lived in such a welcoming land. Could it be all Eldalie which were disliked or distrusted or hunted.. whatever the case may be? Or was it certain ones.. she was easily not a Drow and they were often the first met with hatred. She was not Sylvan nor Wood either, and a Sylph was many steps to the left of Savanna's ways.
If such a ban existed, Savanna would thank Dame Nathair kindly and retrace her journey, perhaps more fleetly true. Remaining where one was unwanted would simply not do. The last left hanging in the air, her intent and purpose, Savanna would answer once the result of conversation thus far had been made. Sharing their life stories, dreams, hopes, ambitions, and fears - was a fools game. Never prattle at the lips, not to those who need not know, nor when it was not wished. Then again, the Dame was a Herald, and not answering the simple query could place an unwanted breed holder on even shakier footing. "'Twas my intent to seek employ within a tavern or inne to start with, and later, if fortune smiles upon me, to open my own locale."
Nira Nathair
08-09-2006, 12:44 AM
"Ah for work, that's quite fine." She bent over and picked up the loot sack, leaving the ork's heavy armor, axe, and a few worthless items aside the road for the bandits to find. Standing up, she slung the bag over her shoulder. "Come, I'll walk you to the village, where we can get you a horse to the city. The stable master owes me," she said, shaking the bag with a little wink.
"Please, I meant no offense, of course the wood kin are welcome in the duke's lands. Only we don't see many this far north, especially travelling alone. No, the duke is quite accepting for a human - he even let this little dwarf into his court! Quite the charmer, too," the last said with a grin.
As they began to walk, she turned and raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "And, your husband is..." She let the question hang and looked around as if to say, 'Where?'
Delthena DeTaron
08-09-2006, 01:17 AM
"No offense taken, Dame Nathair." The tone and gentle smile did what they could to assure there was no harm done. "I had an image of racing over the lands back the way I came with a pack of hunting dogs set loose after me. Truth be told, I needed that adrenaline rush.." Yes, her heart did beat a bit faster, actually coloring brought pale skin to life as well. A horse? Glance drifted to the spoils of the skirmish, then back once more. "Is it necessary to ride? I'd find it quite off to begin life here, if Wessex could welcome me, beholden to another." She had traveled enough to know her coin may hold little value here. Until the oppurtunity came to trade her coinage and few items within the pouches tied or sewn in her skirts, Savanna was little more than a wanderer - trading talent for food and comforts.
As the conversation would continue, Savanna moved to the left of the, what did she call herself.. a dwarf? Yes, a dwarf and made to step lively within her escorts pace. Nodding slightly to the query, Savanna spoke a tad lower in a reverent hush. "My John did pass on to the Goddess some years past. He was a warrior," she offered, as if it mattered. Perhaps not to the Dame, but Savanna took comfort in the possibilities of conversation.
"The Duke of Wessex sounds amicable indeed. I fear I'm not certain what a 'dwarf' is, though.. You would be the first I've laid eyes upon." First she'd heard of as well. Seems her lands, for all the myriad beings that took root there or traveled through, the Dame's race wasn't one of them.
Savanna could not recall many humans taking an accepting route towards other races within the court itself, safe an occasional advisor on warfare or other arts. Dame Nathair spoke seemingly of an easier way of it than consultation alone. Encouraging glance followed, as gaze returned to her escort. Eager to hear of the race, the strengths perhaps, a bit of lore. Savanna was a lover of tales, and spent more nights than she could count listening to retellings or sharing her own.
Nira Nathair
08-10-2006, 12:31 AM
"Beholden? Nonsense. The stablemaster is a good man and, as I said, he now owes me for retrieving his property. I insist you allow me to borrow a horse for you; the road simply isn't safe, and you'll not be indebted to me in the slightest way." Nira's motherly tone made it quite clear that she was unprepared to accept a refusal of the offer.
As Savanna explained the loss of her husband, Nira just nodded her understanding, lips tight. She had no words which could appropriately remove her boot from within her mouth.
When the conversation turned to dwarves and the lady said she'd never seen one before, Nira suddenly halted, bewildered. "You've never met one of the mountain folk?" She blinked, then continued walking. "You're serious? Well I suppose it isn't all that surprising. Our homelands are far to the north, across the lands plagued by orks and mahirim. And most of my kin rarely travel outside except on missions of trade. Just give them a beer, a hot forge, and a heavy hammer, and they're content to be. They also..." She was about to mention the dwarves common disdain for mirdain, but decided against it. "Well anyhow, we appear much as you see me. Though my interests are hardly usual for a dwarf, thus I've come to Wessex to make my home."
Delthena DeTaron
08-10-2006, 09:52 PM
In the face of the Dame's logical reasoning and heartfelt assurance, how could Savanna possibly refuse? A moment alone was spent on a whimsical thought, for Dame Nauthair reminded her of Morella - so long ago. Morella was all woman, yes, and used her..talents.. expertly, but few knew the other side of the woman. She was strong - both form and mind, her spirit unable to be daunted. A fighter, a caretaker, a greeter and as needed, an executioner. So many had feared her, loved her, and emulated her. Savanna was not one who feared strength, especially when a sterling character held fast to it.
The opinion held true as the woman went from somber to startled in a few seconds. Savanna could not help smiling in the face of the infectious woman's manner. "Not a one.." She assured, then listened keenly to the words that followed. The Northern lands..? That drew a perplexed knot to the browline. Wasn't her land in the North? She'd always been taught so.. but perhaps it was a different plane of North, for one in the South would be able to say a league further is 'North' of them. With the mystery eased to acceptable explanation in her mind, Savanna nodded. "We have many races who take to the forge, my own son was one such man. A weaponsmith.. he took to the anvil at a very young age, though found a talent for jewelry as well as armor as the years passed." Not that her Blaed remained in that occupation. She couldn't be more proud of the man he had become.
As to the unfinished sentence, Savanna let that go to ask another question while the pair continued their journey. "Mahirim..? I am not familiar witht he word, could you elaborate..?" She'd hate to insult anyone with her ignorance, as knowledge was a better tool than any she'd ever held.
Glance would sweep over the landscape, not to memorize the lay of the land as a good scout or strategist would do, but to seek signs of civilization, as a good, weary, wanderer would. She couldn't wait to set sights on a true home, a fortified wall, and perhaps more citizens as well.
Nira Nathair
08-10-2006, 11:40 PM
Nira described the mahirim as they walked into the village. A good number of the houses on the edge of town were scorched, and splintered wood and scuffed earth told of the recent fighting. At the center of town near the clanstone's protection, the buildings fared much better.
"The wolf-people, the wanderers. A feral lot they are. Imagine a smelly wolf, and then give it opposable thumbs. A plague on Agon, they are. Here," she said, pulling out a map from her pack and showing it to the woman.
She pointed to the north at Dvergheim. "Here are the lands of my youth. Over here," moving her finger over the tribelands, "dwell the wolfmen. You of course know your own Mirendil. And here we are, in Mercia." She indicated a spot somewhere in the north of the kingdom.
"Well, here we are, the stables." A few minutes talk with the stablemaster and the return of his looted tools saw him more than grateful enough to lend them horses for the ride to the city.
Delthena DeTaron
08-11-2006, 02:06 AM
..and there was quite a bit to asorb in the way of knowledge. With features carefully schooled to remain passive, she listened to the description of the land and beings whom inhabited it. Perhaps, just perhaps, the Dame was clever enough to note the slight frown of dismay before it was swept under that calm facade. Seemed here as well there were patterned emotions ranging from disgust to contempt, and others in-between. Yes, Savanna would use caution in her talks with any new faces she'd meet.
The map drew far more animated interest, Savanna not able to read every word of the man's common used, but the topography aided greatly. Having her current locale pointed out, and where Dame Nauthair's people hailed - the dwarves.. where those of kin breed to herself called, and even seeing a small area of land that looked remarkably like home.. it all made sense within her mind, as if she could see Gaia's hand drawing the terrain around her with a loving touch.
Much gratitude for the visual aid was given, this stopping abruptly if it looked to weigh to heavily upon her escort's comfort. Mirendil. Yes, she'd need to learn the name they were calling Eldalie here. She'd have to accustom herself with care on the matter of the Mahirim, too. She was most assuredly no longer at home. The beautiful countryside around her looked a tad more sinister. The residents of the battle-torn village seemed to harbor some suspicion ..then it was gone, perhaps only in her mind. Nodding pleasantly to a woman whom held a child to her kirtle, Savanna redirected her attention to the Stablemaster whom was in conversation with Dame Nauthair.
As the negotiations completed, Savanna inclined her head in thanks to the male before waiting til they were alone to speak once more. "I do thank you for sharing your understandings, Dame Nauthair. There can not be a better person, Dwarf, Herald, Fighter or not - to have been within my journey.." A hand laid softly to the horse's whithers, another easing along the warm hide as if to enjoy just the touch of another creature.. one she could understand. Yes. The doubts and concerns aside, Savanna knew she could do this. Keeping focused upon the simple aspects of her new life would do her well. The grain of wood, the flicker of hearth flames, the scent of breads baking. These would be her world. One day, perhaps, she'd be ready to lift her head from those simplisitic and convienient shelters to live life again.
When word was given, Savanna would aid in tacking if needed, mount to settle within saddle or upon blanket, and gladly let Dame Nauthair lead them onwards.
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