View Full Version : Hello!

Tyrael Snowblade
03-15-2009, 09:40 AM
Hi, my name is Olav, i come from Norway.
I have been following Darkfall for quite some time, and i finally got my account last week.
I really love the game.

I have a history of mostly FPS games, although i have played mostly every game out there right now ^^
My experience with first person shooters led me to try my luck as an archer in this game.

My character is Tyrael Snowblade.
He's a young mirdain, with the wish to defend his people, and their allies.
He was never a fan of fighting in heavy platemail, nor charging his enemy from the front.
He's a stealthy little mirdain, preferring to support his teammates from afar, or strike from the shadows of a tree.
He specializes in ranged combat, specifically with a bow, but he is also decent in lightly armored polearm fighting.

I decided that i wanted to apply for this clan, because i love the way it's organized, and it's serious attitude.
I Also think that with so many members, this would be the best clan to experience some large battles with.
I look forward to spending some time with you, great citizens of the Hyperion kingdom!

Agasutin LeGaude
03-15-2009, 01:46 PM
Welcome to Wessex!

Provide for Wessex and she will provide for you. ;)

Devan Omega
03-15-2009, 01:53 PM

Tyrael Snowblade
03-15-2009, 02:34 PM
Thank you :)

Cali LeGaude
03-15-2009, 06:47 PM

Tristran Swiftwind
03-15-2009, 07:37 PM
Welcome! I Hope you enjoy your stay!