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View Full Version : EU or NA?

Den Gar
03-15-2009, 05:38 AM
Just curious, since there's been talk of opening a NA server and allowing transfers, would this guild stay on the current server or switch? If you guys have talked about it.

Robert Namo
03-15-2009, 06:36 AM
If a significant amount of our members do not make it on this server then it is possible, but we spent so much labor on this server and getting our city, personally, I don't want to switch and really ping does not affect your gameplay unless your internet sucks. I live on the west coast of USA and my K/D ratio is like 30 to 14.

Etan Oden
03-15-2009, 07:06 AM
Why change? (east) usa seem to have about 50-80 more ms than I do and I'm from England plus theres the added benefit of 24/7 high populations on the server. I wish they made more NA/EU servers for other games too. :(

Zehtuka Fireglore
03-15-2009, 09:53 PM
Just curious, since there's been talk of opening a NA server and allowing transfers, would this guild stay on the current server or switch? If you guys have talked about it.
There will never be an US server.

Oakk Haddock
03-16-2009, 04:21 AM
At the current moment, our plan is to stay on the EU server. Should anything come up that would change this decision, there will be an announcement. Plus, there's no NA server, nor will there be, for a long time.

Alexio Corbeille
03-16-2009, 06:41 AM
I live on the west coast of USA and my K/D ratio is like 30 to 14.

The lag in melee is ridiculous; this is the main reason why polearms (which have a lower DPS than two handed swords) dominate in PvP.

Do you have a polearm fetish? Is this what you want?

Rhygar apGwynn
03-16-2009, 01:20 PM
The lag in melee is ridiculous; this is the main reason why polearms (which have a lower DPS than two handed swords) dominate in PvP.

Do you have a polearm fetish? Is this what you want?

That, whoever, has nothing to do with being in the US. I get lag every now and then and I'm in the UK.

I for one like the international nature of the server. Activity 24/7 like Etan said.

Alexio Corbeille
03-16-2009, 04:04 PM
I get lag every now and then and I'm in the UK.

what's your minimum system ping? mine was 260ish the last time I logged on to play... considering that was more than a week ago... there was never a time that I had smooth melee. Unless someone was running away from me in a straight line, I was usually turning around like crazy to find out where they teleported to next.

Etan Oden
03-17-2009, 12:44 AM
What is the ratio of EU players and NA players in Duchy? If the clan was to change I'm not sure a lot of EU players would. :(

Robert Namo
03-17-2009, 12:47 AM
The lag in melee is ridiculous; this is the main reason why polearms (which have a lower DPS than two handed swords) dominate in PvP.

Do you have a polearm fetish? Is this what you want?

Never have even wielded a polearm cause I too think its overpowered, I mainly use 1h sword/shield or 2h axe.

Barden Jusik
03-17-2009, 12:49 AM
What is the ratio of EU players and NA players in Duchy? If the clan was to change I'm not sure a lot of EU players would. :(

We shouldn't change. I am in the US and my max ping is 160. Very, very few people are having lag issues. We have put a lot of hard work into our city and our characters and I would be very upset if we were to change. There really isn't a need. When a new server opens up, many people will leave EU-1 and that will make space for all of Hyperion to get onto EU-1.