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View Full Version : Just a couple of quick questions

Lim Dul
03-14-2009, 09:05 AM
First, how do you change your forum name if you want to modify it to first and last?

Second: Do you have a signifigant number of players who are active during Australian primetime roughly?

If the answer to the second is "yes", how do I go about applying as a crafter? Currently Mining skill is 97, mining mastery 78.

Malak Nuykani
03-14-2009, 09:48 AM
A mod will get in contact with you to change your name.

Significant.. hard to say as there has been an Euro release, we have alot of US players tho. That im pretty sure of.

Apply to the guild, if accpeted you will be Trial member until reviewed after that you can apply were you want to be.

Applying doesnt guarantee any spot as anything.