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View Full Version : Danse Macabre

Morteus Revenant
03-12-2009, 08:40 PM
He is Morteus Blacktongue, known here as Morteus Revenant. Once known merely as Nox.

He's a mercenary, a soldier, an assassin and a merchant at times, but an opportunist always.

He eyes the young men, stepping arrogantly and proudly in their freshly tailored officer uniforms. He remembers feeling important.

Once it was for duty, and then it was for glory. When the glory faded, it became for money, and then finally because it was all he was.

He rests against the cold stone of a battlement and looks out at the open field. The sounds of the workers rattle in his ears.

It strikes him how strange it seems to be behind walls, rather than laying siege to them.

Keaven Haliday
03-12-2009, 09:44 PM
Danse Macabre? Somebody has a good taste in music.

Welcome to The Duchy.

Tillion Pallando
03-12-2009, 09:50 PM
Welcome to duchy mate, quite funny poem.