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View Full Version : Hello!

Coldblood Ranger
03-12-2009, 04:51 PM
Hey everyone, I just applied to The Duchy of Wessex and I really want to help out.
I can't wait to help with everything like pvp, crafting and such. Although I myself am not really sure of what I want to do mainly.

But I like pvp!

So right now I'm a trial member (or not even a trial member, I don't know), if I understand this right then I must spend some time on the forums, and what else?

I won't meet you in game till I'm a member right?

I've been for about 2 years on the Darkfall forum so I'm really sick of forums right now, but still I like them.
Before I decided to try joining this clan I was going to take a little brake for the forums, but I'll just toss that idea away because I like forums!

Well, see you in game later!

Salamo Creighton
03-13-2009, 03:37 PM
Hey, you can apply for the Duchy of Wessex ingame after you have achieved the title 'Trial Member' and you should pay a visit to our ventrilo server.

Quinton Emeka
03-14-2009, 03:52 PM
Greetings and welcome!:cool:

Devan Omega
03-14-2009, 04:55 PM