View Full Version : Background and Future.

Malak Nuykani
03-08-2009, 02:36 PM
Well ive played MMOs for the past 13 years, started with the basics and now most recently i played Eve online for about 6 years.

In Eve online i served as a Fleet and Alliance Commander, and have done so for over the years, ive been a part of the bigger alliances containing several thousand members.

I did my military service as a Amfibius Squad command in Sweden, done service down in bosnia, 2 trips.

And as i now iam playing Darkfall with you guys and enjoying every bit of it!

My future plans and intentions, im gonna start with Enchanting and ive started a personal library regarding Enchanting information.

So with permission i will try to lead expeditions to places were i can find the catalysts and components needed for enchanting.

Ludovico Sforza
03-08-2009, 02:59 PM
Hi Shandra :)

Spaw Kindred
03-08-2009, 03:44 PM
In Eve online i served as a Fleet and Alliance Commander, and have done so for over the years, ive been a part of the bigger alliances containing several thousand members.

You'll feel right at home.