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Laura Isaias
03-07-2009, 05:30 PM

I am honoured to be accepted as a trial member in the ranks of the Duchy. I look forward to using my sword and bow in the service of Wessex.

(Hello everyone,

I'm happy to be part of Wessex, and can't wait for the moment when I can order and join you all in Darkfall! I'm from Belgium, and was a beta tester for a week. I'm a guy so my real name is not Laura, you wouldn't be able to pronounce the original (Laurent), but Lawrence is what I go by when talking to english speakers.

My favourite weapons in beta were knives, but since they are not commonly dropped by monsters at all, and two-handers seem to rule the battlefield, I will specialise in Greatswords. Oh, and I'm playing a Mirdain by the way.

I have one question about the next step in my career; when joining the military, is there a real difference between being a footman, a bowman or a seaman? Or is there only a roleplay difference?)


Laura Isaias

Orishas Morgan
03-07-2009, 05:48 PM
footman and bowman have practical differences - seaman isn't really relevant to the duchy anymore since we're land-locked.

If you like knives - I can make you some, though - 2 handers seem to be better choice for PVP - knives keep a lower profile are good dps for pve.

Laura Isaias
03-07-2009, 05:55 PM
Thank you. Does this mean applying as a seaman is no longer possible, or that I can apply as a seaman, but effectively function as a footman?

edit: Thank you for your offer, but I think I wouldn't want to be a burden on the clan relying on my weapons being delivered. Still, I like the uniqueness knives give you as they are very underused. I'll think about it.

Thank you,
Laura Isaias

Brophy Wolfborn
03-07-2009, 06:36 PM
The navy doesn't exist any more as far as i know, so there are no permanent naval positions.

Laura Isaias
03-07-2009, 07:19 PM
The navy doesn't exist any more as far as i know, so there are no permanent naval positions.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up.