View Full Version : Assize: Amras Blackwing vs Veoc Brannoc
Erwin Carius
03-07-2009, 05:12 PM
Members of Wessex, on this day let it be known that a call to assize has been made.
Accused in this trial stands Veoc Brannoc, trial member of Wessex, for the crime of murdering his fellow subject Amras Blackwing, man-at-arms of the Oxford Garrison.
The following persons have been selected to attend as jury, and are to make their presence known to the court: Derfel apUther, trial member of Wessex; Guy Burton, trial member of Wessex; Caesar Knight, trial member of Wessex; Kirpen Valreth, villein of Wessex; Clarke Blackbriar, man at arms of the Ducal Garrison; Robert Namo, footman of the Ducal Garrison.
The defendant has 24 hours to either respond, or select a representative to respond in his place. If this period should pass without reply, the defendant shall be counted as guilty and judged accordingly.
Sub Signum Rex.
Robert Namo
03-07-2009, 06:40 PM
Present and available for duty.
Kipren Valreth
03-07-2009, 06:40 PM
*takes seat on a well worn wooden chair*
Veox Brannoc
03-08-2009, 10:12 AM
It happened in Long March around the bank area. He started by hitting me in a joking way and so i started hitting him back. We stopped after a while while we both regained stamina and HP. Then If memory recalls Linelor appeared and started having a joke around with us. Then as me and Amras were jokingly fighting again trying to hit eachother in the back, I accidentally hit a large about (Around 23) and it killed him. I was going to stop after that so we could regain our HP and stamina again, but unluckily for me, it was too late. I would also like to make it clear that Amras didnt lose any gear as he was fully naked accept for his starter sword.
Clarke Blackbriar
03-08-2009, 12:04 PM
Present and available for jury duty
Guy Burton
03-08-2009, 02:17 PM
Present and avalible for duty.
Erwin Carius
03-11-2009, 05:41 PM
Court is in session; the plaintiff may give their description of what has transpired, coupled with any evidence available.
Amras Blackwing
03-11-2009, 06:11 PM
Veox Brannoc
03-11-2009, 07:19 PM
Me and Linelor were hitting each other for no reason. After we stopped Veox Brannoc started hitting me, I didn't mind and hit him back, I ran out of stamina and stopped attacking, since he was geared and I had no armor I thought that he was fooling around. His HP was at about 75-80% and my was at 5%, I then sat down to rest but he kept hitting me, finally he killed me and sent me back to Copperdale. When I asked what he was doing in ventrilo he just laughed and someone started saying "take all his gear, take all his gear!". There was no doubt that he intentionally killed me since he kept on hitting me even after I had stopped to sit down and rest. I didn't have any gear but I had to spend 10 minutes running back to Long March from Copperdale.
Me and Veox had been hitting each other earlier, but we had not done so for about an hour and I never even came close to him while hitting Linelor.
My only proof is this screenshot of my journal and the system chat: (
It happened in Long March around the bank area. He started by hitting me in a joking way and so i started hitting him back. We stopped after a while while we both regained stamina and HP. Then If memory recalls Linelor appeared and started having a joke around with us. Then as me and Amras were jokingly fighting again trying to hit eachother in the back, I accidentally Killed him from not noticing how low his HP was. I was going to stop after that so we could regain our HP and stamina again, but unluckily for me, it was too late. I would also like to make it clear that Amras didnt lose any gear as he was fully naked accept for his starter sword.
Id like to comment on this and how much bullshit you have just written. On vent i actually said "Oops, im sorry about that i didnt see how low you were" And it was Linelor who was saying "See if he has any gear" but only in a joking way as we were both chuckling. I didnt see how accidentally killing you could make you take such seriosu action on me, but you did. And i would also like to point out that after i had apologised on vent with no reply and after the joking gear comment, I did say "He was naked with a starter sword, so he dropped nothing, but if he did i would obviously give it back."
I do believe myself that this accident doesnt mean i should be treated so harshly, i had been in the guild for about 2 days when this happened, and i feel that killing fellow members INTENTIONALLY would have been a silly move by me, but if you really feel that i would have done that to myself and harming my reputation in the guild, then go ahead and call me guilty.
Amras Blackwing
03-11-2009, 08:09 PM
Veox Brannoc
03-11-2009, 08:31 PM
Maybe I didn't hear you saying sorry because you couldn't stop laughing after you killed me? Oh wait, how can you say sorry while laughing? Now that does not make sense!
It happened in Long March around the bank area. He started by hitting me in a joking way and so i started hitting him back. We stopped after a while while we both regained stamina and HP. Then If memory recalls Linelor appeared and started having a joke around with us. Then as me and Amras were jokingly fighting again trying to hit eachother in the back, I accidentally Killed him from not noticing how low his HP was.
No, I was on the roof, messing around with Linelor, you came from behind for no reason and started hitting me.
We stopped and I went to get resources. As I was doing that Linelor shot at me and I attacked him again. Linelor runs out of stamina and you start attacking me. My HP is low and I'm out of stamina and I sit down, you keep attacking me. And as you can see on my system, there was no "big hit" to kill me. It was a 14 damage one.
Thats why ive changed it now i see how it was. The fact was it was an accident, and i feel it was childish to run off crying because of a complete accident. You know there was absolute no need to do it as we were all joking around. And dont try and pin it on me that i was "RUNNING OVER KILLING YOU WHEN I WAS LOW ON HP" Because we were both hitting each other around the clan stone. So dont lie to the jury because the whole point of a court is that you tell the truth. I understand that what i did was an accident and a mistake and i am making sure that i dont do anything like this again. If you want to lie more, i would love linelor to post to see his side of the story.
Linelor Trant
03-11-2009, 08:41 PM
It was an accident. You really don't have to get so butthurt over such a simple thing. You didn't lose anything and you made a run that many of us have made daily. It's not a big deal and it was just a simple joking accident.
If he had murdered you and looted you and ran off with the gear or something but you were naked and it was a very short run really so just drop this nonsense.
Erwin Carius
03-11-2009, 08:41 PM
Do call in any witnesses you wish to present.
Veox Brannoc
03-11-2009, 08:42 PM
I called Linelor as my witness.
Linelor Trant
03-11-2009, 08:44 PM
Alright, basically everything Veox said is true. We were just messing around and he got a bit of a high end hit on Amras and it was just unlucky that he got instantly killed.
No point in posting more than that.
Veox Brannoc
03-11-2009, 08:48 PM
Alright, basically everything he said is true. We were just messing around and he got a bit of a high end hit on Amras and it was just unlucky that he got instantly killed.
No point in posting more than that.
It was only a 14 line, but it was that i didnt see how low he was on HP. Complete accident.
Linelor Trant
03-11-2009, 08:49 PM
It was only a 14 line, but it was that i didnt see how low he was on HP. Complete accident.
Regardless. It was a simple mistake and no harm was done. There was no intent to kill and it wasn't like he ganked Amras.
Ardwan Ashcroft
03-11-2009, 09:39 PM
Just to point out, the system log in that screenshot clearly indicates that you had your weapon out and were attempting to attack him aswell, which is impressive considering you were sat down resting when you died.
Evillor LeGaude
03-11-2009, 09:43 PM
I have been trying to avoid making a statement in court, but no one else has brought this matter to light, so i feel it is my duty to.
Amras Blackwing has been named in both of the recent Assize's for attacking people in town 'jokingly' (i have some personal experience of him doing this to me). As far as im aware, attacking fellow guild members in town was not to be tolerated.
Both of the recent Assize's involve Amras Blackwing in one way or another. You were named by all plaintiffs for attacking guild members, which has led to the most assizes we have ever needed to have.
This is not how a Man-at-Arms of the Garrison should be behaving. You should be setting an example, not fighting with guild members in town, then turning it onto a courtroom drama when things dont go your way.
Linelor Trant
03-11-2009, 09:44 PM
Just to point out, the system log in that screenshot clearly indicates that you had your weapon out and were attempting to attack him aswell, which is impressive considering you were sat down resting when you died.
He was not sat down resting. He was up running around as I remember it.
Ardwan Ashcroft
03-11-2009, 09:51 PM
He was not sat down resting. He was up running around as I remember it.
That's how I remember it too, I was in the Vent channel, and rode past you all, from what I heard you were hiding, and they were trying to find you, and I saw all 3 of you fighting along the walls near the bank.
But Amras remembers it differently:
There was no doubt that he intentionally killed me since he kept on hitting me even after I had stopped to sit down and rest. I didn't have any gear but I had to spend 10 minutes running back to Long March from Copperdale.
Me and Veox had been hitting each other earlier, but we had not done so for about an hour and I never even came close to him while hitting Linelor.
Keaven Haliday
03-12-2009, 05:11 PM
That's how I remember it too, I was in the Vent channel, and was at the bank near you all, from what I heard you were hiding, and they were trying to find you, and I saw all 3 of you fighting along the walls near the bank.
Fixed in a way that tells it from the way I saw and heard it.
Amras, you're a good kid but you should introduce yourself to a thread called Behaviour Around the keep. I'll link it here.
If there is any question in your mind you're pissing somebody off, stop what you are doing immediately.
Derfel apUther
03-12-2009, 05:54 PM
Present and avalible for duty.
Veox Brannoc
03-12-2009, 07:07 PM
That's how I remember it too, I was in the Vent channel, and rode past you all, from what I heard you were hiding, and they were trying to find you, and I saw all 3 of you fighting along the walls near the bank.
But Amras remembers it differently:
This is how it was exactly.
There was absolutely no intention to kill.
Lanz Arrowny
03-12-2009, 08:15 PM
I think Amras should be voted off the island, and Veox should be the next american idol... or am I thinking of the wrong reality TV show here?
Keaven Haliday
03-12-2009, 09:39 PM
I wouldn't say all that Lanz, I think depending on the issue everybody deserves a second chance.
Erwin Carius
03-13-2009, 02:59 AM
The plaintiff has decided to drop all charges, the case is hereby dismissed.
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