View Full Version : Travel Orders

Isobel Alagos
03-07-2009, 02:28 PM
To Whom It May Concern,

Having received our Recruit Acceptance Letters from the Ducal Court Clerk, we, Morteus Revenant and myself, are preparing to exit the northern town of Hammerdelve and travel again southward to the city of Long March to begin our pledge to the Duchy of Wessex.

Our journey northward was a profitable one, having trained with the best dwarven crafters and honed our skills. We have found, however, the life of a commoner with no city to be too difficult and the perils too great. Having successfully ended our trade apprenticeships, we are eager to pledge fealty to the Duke of Wessex and commence our villeiny as journeyman crafters and soldiers in training.

I have obtained the necessary travel documents and we shall, in short order, be arriving in the Ducal city of Long March. We bring with us many skills useful to the cause:

Mining and Logging
Armor Smithing and (minor) Tailoring

Herb Gathering
Mount Taming

In addition, both of us wish to further our training in soldiering as well as myself for magic schools and healing.

We should have our belongings packed and ready to travel today, Saturday the 7th of March, 2009.

Humble Regards,

Isobel Alagos

Rhygar apGwynn
03-07-2009, 03:37 PM
Welcome Isobel and Morteus. We eagerly await your arrival in Long March.

Quinton Emeka
03-07-2009, 07:25 PM
Greetings and welcome!:cool:

Morteus Revenant
03-07-2009, 11:33 PM
It is a fine city in progress and I am glad to be part of it. It'll be a pleasure to see the walls go up.

As my companion has noted, I have a passing skill in most trades and am intending to raise all of my arms and armor tradeskills enough to assist in keeping the garrison equipped.

Mortred DeGrimm
03-08-2009, 01:01 AM
sweet welcome to wessex

Gavriel Venitiago
03-08-2009, 05:21 AM

Always a pleasure to have more strong Dwarves join up! You can be sure that the security we provide is... effective to say the least.

Gustaph Calgacus
03-08-2009, 02:19 PM
Greetings and welcome. :)

Ludovico Sforza
03-08-2009, 02:56 PM
Welcome both of you :)

Cali LeGaude
03-08-2009, 06:29 PM
Welcome. I am sure that you will find what you are looking for here.

Isobel Alagos
03-09-2009, 03:32 AM
Thank you for all the warm welcomes!

You can imagine the exhilarating feeling we had when finally arriving at the entrance road to Long March after a very long journey; then as we walk in, mouths agape at the immense size of the city, a giant red banner suddenly flashes before us and someone bellows "WAR!!!" ... (Serverpolice) A clan had declared war on us - the troops were mustering in the courtyard of the keep, soldiers gearing up, citizens rushing about asking questions ... it was chaos and glorious!

What a fine welcome to Wessex and to Darkfall!

We have settled in a bit, explored the area, gone out on a couple gathering forays, done some trading and crafting - all has been excellent. Morteus donated 400 stone for our first days taxes and I've tamed quite a few horses for troops. I feel we're beginning to contribute and learn.

Next on our agenda is to continue crafting, train our basic combat, running, riding and other required skills and then join the cannon fodder crew!


On a sidenote, we're trying to get registered on ventrilo... yay!

Watching the siege troops move out was really really cool.


Isobel Alagos
03-09-2009, 05:37 AM

Always a pleasure to have more strong Dwarves join up! You can be sure that the security we provide is... effective to say the least.

Oh and we're human, Fayore -- we just spent a few days up in dwarven lands because the human towns were so over-full, laggy login, general overpopulation ass-hattery... we took a trip up there for some peace and quiet in the snowy mountains hehe.