View Full Version : A most humple greetings.

Korhian Swiftwind
03-06-2009, 11:20 AM
Greetings lords of Wessex.

I wish to offer my bow in your service and in the service of the great kingdom.
Im a 23 year old student from Denmark who loves playing games in his spare time and who has been waiting for Darkfall ever since EA took over UO, which has had my interest since I saw it as a wee snipper back in the day.
I have not as yet aquired the game itself, but I will win the battle of the wallet and send Tasos my money...hopefully today.
My gaming experience include, well theres too many games for me to write a short list about (its grand being a gaming nerd isnt it).
MMORPGs: Face of Mankind, World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, Guild Wars and Runescape.
And a whole bunch of singleplayer games, like Total war series, Battlefield series, Flashpoint, adventure games en mass and well probably hundreds of games.

I hope to be able to call the Duchy my new home and server in the dukes/kings army.

Raven Nevermore
03-06-2009, 11:56 AM
Welcome stranger, May you find what you seek and enter the service of the good Duke.

Malachi Drake
03-06-2009, 03:21 PM

Nice to encounter another ex:FoM'er. Hope to see you inside DFO as part of Wessex ;)


Ludovico Sforza
03-06-2009, 04:05 PM
Welcome Korhian :)

Tiberius McTavish
03-06-2009, 04:46 PM

Casilda Tametomo
03-07-2009, 03:50 AM

Are you any relation to Rili Swiftwind?

Quinton Emeka
03-07-2009, 12:16 PM
Greetings and welcome!:cool:

Mortred DeGrimm
03-07-2009, 12:17 PM