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View Full Version : Trial and Sentencing of Keaven Holiday

Kyrendis Varen
03-04-2009, 08:45 PM
Let it be known that the Bowman, Keaven Holiday, who on the day of March 3 in the first year of the reign of King Manus Dei was seen to publicly slander and accuse, through insinuation, his military superiors of treason and thievery is on trial for these crimes and the crime of insubordination by doing so to a superior officer.

By self-admission of guilt, Bowman Keaven Holiday has been found guilty of insubordination and slander. As he has expressed remorse and thrown himself on the mercy of the court, the punitive judgment of exile is commuted.

Bowman Keaven Holiday is hereby dishonorably discharged from the Ducal Garrison of Wessex, and returned to the status of Villein. He is also ordered to issue a public apology to Sir Rivers Kelak, Sir Beric Veincrusher and Mister Haeso Legaude, Esquire.

There is to be no vigilante justice on any side, this issue is now resolved.

The final Judgement of Kyrendis Varen, Royal Sheriff.

Sub Signum Rex.


Keaven Haliday
03-04-2009, 09:07 PM
Greetings Wessex, I would like to take a moment of time to apologize to the following; Lord Dulath Tucktown even though he was not listed I never ever meant to direct anything towards him, Sir Beric Veincrusher, Sir Haeso LeGuade, Esquire, and last but not least Sir Rivers Keylak.

I never meant to cause the situation I did, Or point any fingers specificaly. If you fealt as if I had offended, accused, or disrespected you I apologize for that. And I apologize for any damage I may have done to your reputations.

Seperately I would like to apologize to the people of Wessex. I never meant to act as a voice for you. And I would like to inform anybody who has their opinions, please do not follow my steps, if you want your voice to be heard do it correctly through the appointed system.

This concludes my public apology. Hail Wessex.

Kyrendis Varen
03-04-2009, 09:22 PM
The apology has been made. Thread is closed.