View Full Version : Request to speak with the duke.

Keaven Haliday
03-04-2009, 06:02 AM
I have a request to speak with the Duke, I feel as if I have been completely betrayed for having a suspicion.

It went like this.

Rivers, was talking about some need for money. And I said "Why don't you take it from the guild bank like the rest of the generals do." Which was a poor way of addressing my suspicions, A common suspicion actually. I was the stupid one who spoke out. Which followed a long argument and eventually me being kicked from the Clan. The clan that I Clicked my way to getting 47 Mining and 44 Logging to donate items to. Shortly after that I was ganked and all of my gear was taken as I was on the way to the bank to deposit 71 stone. People I had nice friendly interactions with completely turned on me. And for what? Voicing a suspicion and poorly wording it.

I'd like to extend my apologies to Rivers and Dulath, I never suspected them of stealing.

I would like to talk to the Duke himself and in private. And I would also like for those who are not the duke to stop taking privelages from me. Such as posting on the forums.

Chrono Veincrusher
03-04-2009, 06:21 AM
Take it in a Private Message then:
The Duke of Wessex (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/member.php?u=1)