View Full Version : Gukk Lumus, the spawn toddler of lupus

Gukk Lumus
02-25-2009, 10:16 PM
Hey Im gukk lumus, the heir of lumus aka lupus, I have come to oversee the developement of mankind through the developement of the future autobots, as seen on childrens-tv. You will forcefully be alive until the autobot developement plan has left us able to build the biomechanical man, upon which you will be eradiacted. I honorfully place the slogan "Autobot empowerment! EDUCATION FOR AUTOBOTS! our demands will be met." as my prime example for our joy, your goal.

From serious to casual, hello there Im a old gamer that used to be ultraleet gimp in any game I can remember. you have been warned. My secret plan is to make as many friends as possible before I destroy foes like little kittens in my lap purring for tuna. blech, tuna is nasty
Also, I aim to be cannonized, however thats written, by the church of wessex, due to my magical naturistic nature, based loosely on being devilishly healthy on tundra and terra usage. Hope to get accepted so I wont be bored in DF alone, I get enough of that in rl.

Mortred DeGrimm
02-26-2009, 01:03 AM
hmm... well good luck to you... and welcome to the forums