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View Full Version : INACTIVE - Villein's Oath of Fealty of Nather Ampraphel to Sir Beric

Nather Ampraphel
02-25-2009, 03:28 PM
I, Nather Ampraphel son of Steward, from this day forth offer my service to Sir Beric Veincrusher, the Knight of Brockmore, and accept him as my one and only Lord.
I pledge to never question his orders or motives, to stand by his side in the field of battle until the very end and to work within the royal kichens so i can provide everything that i am expected to.
I vow that i will accept his rulling over me, no matter what his request or punishment might be and that I will hapilly serve him until the very last day of my life.

May Auros bless us.

Nather Ampraphel.