View Full Version : Greetings, people of the duchy.

Amarethus Dylvek
02-24-2009, 01:25 AM
Hello, im Amarethus. Also called Mathias in real life! Im 20 years old, played som MMO's like SWG, Planetside, WoW and AoC. Tho Wow im just gonna exclude as an MMG(MassiveMultiplayerGrind, might add fest behind there). Anyways, i hope to see and play with you in game.

I hope my app. is satisfying. And that i will be talking to my liege at some point in the future*grins*(If first spoken to ; b)

And btw, im from norway. Så god morgen/aften/kveld/natt. (So Good morning/afternoon/evening/night)

Til dere alle/To you all

So ive been waiting, and im wondering about if ive missed something i should be doing?
Ive pm'd to get my name change Amarethus Dylvek and just waiting for a response, not meaning to be impatient or anything. But since im a preorder and have my game ready, id like to be pointed to some general direction if you'd please help me. If im unwanted then it would be nice to hear, long live the Duke, and may the Duchy be strong in faith and will in your fight for a piece of Agon.


Cali LeGaude
02-26-2009, 12:21 AM
Greetings and Welcome. With all the sudden rush of adrenline that seems to be happening, be patient and things will happen. :)

Mortred DeGrimm
02-26-2009, 12:38 AM
wow well good day to you hehe welcome to the duchy