View Full Version : Hail and well met!

Nell Alorn
02-22-2009, 08:21 AM
Hail patrons of the Duchy of Wessex,

My name is Nell and i have recently applied for membership into the Duchy. I along with my two apprentices will be working non stop to craft the best wares within our means. I am a very experienced crafter, trader and diplomat, but i have been known to raise my sword a time or two. I hope that i am accepted as a member to your fine organization, fore with protection in such a harsh world, myself and my apprentices will surely excel!

I will list below some of my past experience in hopes that i may find an old friend or two.

Listed below is my past experience (mostly chronological):

UO - Pacific - Delyth - Poison Mage
UO - Pacific - Kittani - GM Blacksmith (at one point have had nearly every crafting skill GM and owned castle shop in Brit swamp)

AO - Server1 - Delyth - Engineer

Neocron - Delyth - Stock Broker and Diplomat

AC2 - Delyth - Mage (vaguely remember there weird crafting system)

Shadowbane - Mourning - Delyth - elf/mage/assassin (had a small store near P.O.L.I.C.E city)

Eve Online - (character name withheld) - Jump freighter pilot/diplomat
Eve Online - (character name withheld) - Carrier/Dread pilot

SWG - Scilla - Delyth Alorn - Bio-engineer/Tamer small store west of Mos Espa
SWG - Scillia - Nell Alorn - Armorsmith/Weaponsmith small store south

Lineage 2 - Seig - PrincessNell - Dwarf (crafting many server and world first's)

WoW - Twisting Nether - Nell - 2k+AR Mage (wow sucks but i am a product of my environment)

I have played quite a few additional MMO's but I don’t feel there worth noting,

If i am accepted i look forward to serving with all of you. If not i hope to cross paths with many of you in the future!

Humbly Yours,

Quinton Emeka
02-22-2009, 02:12 PM
Greetings and welcome to the Duchy of Wessex forums!:cool: Look forward to meeting you.

Bronvictus Grayham
02-22-2009, 03:07 PM
Hey buddy! Good luck and welcome to Wessex.

Mortred DeGrimm
02-22-2009, 03:16 PM
welcome to the duchy

Thunder Stormhammer
02-22-2009, 04:19 PM
I was a full t7 resto shaman on Galakrond top 25 guild in world...untill i quit january 1st lol new years resolution...welcome