View Full Version : Hello There!

Dekurok Tiros
02-19-2009, 07:26 PM
Good evening, folks!

I believe it's only courtius to say Hello! I also believe it's only fair to be honest with potentially future guildies.
So, for those of you who recognize my name, (and for those of you who don't) I was a member of Murder Herd until very recently, I'll explain why shortly.
For those of you that are former MH guildies, possibly even applicants or just plane familiar with MH, you'll know how childish and immature 90% of the guild actually is. Whilst I don't want to descend into an on-going rant, I would just like to point out or rectify that simple fact. There was a number of guild members I got on very well with, but generally the cons outweighed the pros.

Why am I a former member of the MH?

Very simple, it all began when more and more members were accepted into beta. As far as I know, I was the fourth guild member to be invited to test the game, brilliant! Very early on into testing I realised Darkfall was a very guild orientated game, whilst soloing was entirely possible, it was very wise to travel with a group of people for increased safety and nicer loot. :)
A few weeks after been accepted, more and more guildies were entering the game which was brilliant, not exactly! The general impression I got from most of the guilds testers was that they couldn't really be bothered when it came to anything, it's hardly a guild.. more a social gathering on vent.
To top it all off, I was accused of "hiding" during a gankfest, mainly due to the fact I was the only one who had the balls to put up a fight and not run around an unhabited castle wasting stamina like an unnamed "higher member" of the heard decided was "tactical".

I apologize for the wall of text, I'd rather be honest than deceitful.


Robert Namo
02-19-2009, 07:28 PM

Quinton Emeka
02-19-2009, 10:41 PM
Greetings and welcome!:cool: