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Coreset Trugaru
02-18-2009, 09:45 PM
My Brethren,

My name is Coreset, but my eyes are heavy blue . I taste of rust and smell of years past.

And before this day I cannot remember dreaming. Yet, today I dreamed.
I long to tell you of this dream. This destiny whose preciseness can only be attributed to a prescient presence that is all the atoms acting in accord.

Please do not dismiss this as the rambling of some forgotten hermit. For today this body does my mind a grave injustice.

For on this day my eyes gleam with a passion. A longing that I hope is contagious.

For on this day I am no longer this old man. But more so a burgeoning phoenix engulfed in flames and desire.

For on this day I have been embraced by my brethren. I am exultated with this, our common unity, our common goal. For no longer am I this island of isolation amidst a turmoil ridden sea. Now this violent sea shudders and breaks against our solidarity.

For on this day I am passion.

When our hallowed hills flow with crimsom and tears. Where the sound of drums are drown by the sounds of triumph and loss. Where the radiant sun of our Creator shall light our purpose. There shall form a bond of brotherhood, that only survival and great trial can bring to creation.
On this field of battle I shall stand by your side.

For I am passion.

But to quell the assumptions of my self righteousness. I am still this old man, and as such share in the vices of the common and noble alike. I too enjoy a crackling fire, stiff drink, and the sordid, or illustrious tales of my forebears.

I too enjoy a game of chance. The laughter of crude banter. The wicked embrace of a good woman.

I too have made foolhardy decisions, and become lost unto the throes of love. And although my quest for love has been rare and as of yet incomplete. I too hold such occasions close to my breast and cherished above all.

For I am passion

And though I am but one brushstroke in this incomplete, glorious painting that is our unity. OUR nation. I long for so much more.

For I am Coreset Trugaru.

For I am passion.

Thunder Stormhammer
02-19-2009, 02:29 AM
So im guessing your passion...hmmm lol anyways welcome dude :cool:

Linelor Trant
02-19-2009, 03:02 AM

ZhenYu Omega
02-19-2009, 03:08 AM
Welcome to the Duchy! Nice intro imo. So where do you see yourself in Wessex? Any idea's on what race you will be?

Shabba Quilde
02-19-2009, 08:41 AM