View Full Version : A new day...

Landion Grey
02-14-2009, 08:24 AM
Landion was never comfortable in the big cities, he would much prefer the seclusion and safety of the wilderness. But he made a promise and his word and his bow were all he had left these days, Landion sighed as he thought to himself. I will miss Britannia, I will miss it's people but my job there is done, now tis time for me to hunt in Agon and from the looks of this place, I have entered a target rich environment, Landion grinned as he walked to the Duchy of Wessex Embassy for a third time. He had arrived in Monkfield three nights ago and found that his Britannian money was no good here. So he traded his leather jerkin and some carving tools for a few gold and bought a room upstairs of the Yawning Portal tavern. Rowdy place and hard to get a decent nights sleep, especially considering the fact he was a light sleeper. The bed was soft however and the ale cold, Landion was a happy man.

Landion knocked on the large iron doors to the embassy and waited outside again with no answer. "Surely they received my letter, I wonder were they are." Landion muttered out loud. Perhaps it is a test or maybe they aren't looking for people anymore? Landion wandered off again, kicking a stone on the street, wondering if he would ever find the elusive Army he sought to join.

OOC: Been in game the past few nights, looking to be guilded and hopefully do some pvp with you all. Hit me up when you can, I already registered on your clan site in game under the name Landion Grey. Talk to you soon my friends.

*bows respectfully*