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View Full Version : EXPIRED - Oath of Service - Haeso Legaude, Esq.

Haeso LeGaude
02-08-2009, 05:53 AM
Here in the Cathedral of St-Germain I proclaim my Oath of Service to His Grace, Brando De'Medici the Most Noble Doge of Aquileia.

Until my services are no longer required I vow to serve under him,

To listen well to my teachings and the knowledge in which my Lord holds,
To enter battle with courage and honour,
To be loyal at my Lord's side on the battlefield,
To defend my Lord's and the land which he bears,
To achieve precision in all tasks given to me,
To continually seek knowledge in order to better myself,
To share the knowledge which I hold,
To help those who are in need in any way I can,
To be true to the laws of my Lord,
To defend the beliefs of the Duchy and my Lord,

So Swear I,

Haeso LeGaude.

Bernardo dei Medici
02-08-2009, 12:40 PM
I do hereby accept Haeso as Scuderio to mentor him in the arts of chivalry and warfare until such time he is deemed worthy of knighthood. I promise to hone his heart and his mind in the knightly ways of the profession of arms to further the military strength and might of the Duchy of Wessex and the Kingdom of Hyperion. Through this mentorship may the bond between the Republic and the Duchy grow ever stronger.

By mine own will it be done,

Brando de'Medici
Il Doge della Repubblica Coronato
Lord Constable of the Kingdom of Hyperion