View Full Version : Shabba Lindelea

Shabba Quilde
01-25-2009, 12:55 PM
Hello everyone

Lets start with my MMO experience. I started with online games about 4 years ago when I finally become connected with world via internet. :)
My first MMO was Kal Online, ordinary korean grind fest but I was new in these games so it was fun for me for long time. Then I started to searching for something better and tried many online games. I usually played for few days and then become bored. Then I finally discovered DAoC and it was my second game that I spent lot of time playing this. Even if think that games like Ultima, EQ or Eve are awesome Im still looking for something else and I think that Darkfall should be exactly what I was searching for.

Ok and now something about my RL.
Im 19 years old. Living in capital city of Czech Republic, Prague. Love music and playing on bass guitar. I finished school and now Im looking for job.

Id like to be part of well organized guild and Duchy of Wessex looks very nice. Id like to be helpful for guild and know that guild can help me.

I think that should be enough.

Razli Lithewulf
01-25-2009, 01:41 PM
Welcome. Hows Prague? Never been.

Brendanor Graedanar
01-25-2009, 02:05 PM
Welcome. Hows Prague? Never been.


Like that in the time of..well, look :D


Shabba Quilde
01-25-2009, 02:13 PM
Very nice. Especially downtown at night.

Thusard von Hellman
01-25-2009, 03:04 PM
Welcome to the Duchy , hope you enjoy your stay!

Where do you see yourself in DF ? ( always wanted to do that , soz Chrono )

Shabba Quilde
01-25-2009, 03:11 PM
Propably in army as archer. Ill see in game.

Razli Lithewulf
01-25-2009, 03:17 PM
Best to wait till game, You might love to be a Tank of a warrior.
Or a healer for that matter.

Alatar Atra
01-25-2009, 04:04 PM
welcome mate.

Quinton Emeka
01-25-2009, 04:19 PM
Greetings and welcome to the forums!

Cali LeGaude
01-25-2009, 05:31 PM

Anduin Poros
01-25-2009, 06:31 PM
Salutations and welcome to the Duchy!
PS. Prague seems to look a bit like Stockholm... at least in that photo!