View Full Version : Kalizus applying

Kalizus Zhuge
01-22-2009, 12:48 AM
hello, my name is Kalizus and I have recently applied to the Wessex and would like to introduce myself to all the members that are currently active on this forum. Like all, I am very excited to play and take part of the world Darkfall has to offer.

I have always been a fan of a guild under strong leadership and always served as a righthand man in guilds that i have been a part of. I can see that this guild, you need to perform and help out in order to advance in rank and that is what interests me the most. I want to rank up and aid this guild to supremacy. I follow orders and voice my opinions because I normally take the role of an advisor due to my extensive knowledge and gameplay in MMORPGs. This will be my 12th year playing MMOs and I'm still not sick of it. The opportunity to meet new people everyday and journey with them during the course of the game is very mesmerizing and i can never get tired of that feeling.

I am glad to be here and hope to stay here for a very long time if accepted. Once accepted, my loyalty and dedication will belong to this guild during my adventure in Darkfall. Thank you.

**EDITED** this was under character discussion and i thought it would be appropriate to put what i posted to give those a better understanding of Kalizus.

1. What are the strengths of your chosen class type?

- (for mage) Range and Damage. Do not need supplies like arrows. Also, being in the back line will allow me to use my intangible skills that i possess such as analyzing the situation and adjusting to make the fighting easier. It always has been my strong point to command a group of people in unexpected situations and that gets my adrenaline going.

- (for Support) Buffing and Secondary healing. I love being a support character because it allows me to use my intangibles that i stated above. Being a bard allows me to scout the battlefield during battle while secondary healing and buffing our soldiers.

2.What do you assume your weaknesses will be?

-(mage) Vitality and Defense. As a mage, i have been a successful PVPer. However, one mistake can lead to a death due to the lack of defense. However, depending on the situation (for instance if it's like a war, i might wear some armor to help my defense. Even if it means slower casting time)

-(support) attack power. I will be too busy buffing others while protecting myself, that i will probably lack the offense of a soldier in battle.

3. What types of weapons will you use? Be specific and explain why.

I always have been a sword user so sword would be my ideal choice. However, whatever weapon that does the best plus attribute for my guy, i will use whether it'd be a staff or a dagger.

for bard, i will most likely use a instrument and a sword.

4. Do the following stereotypes exist:

Human (sword), Mirdain (bow), Dwarf (axe)?

In some games it does, but Darkfall, it matters more that you have mastered a weapon then what race you are. A human will always be better than a dwarf with the axe if he uses it more and trains his skills higher than the dwarf and vice versa.

5. How do you assume your choice will affect your moneymaking?

I plan to use the guild armory system to get access to equipment. I will pay them the necessary amount of gold that is required to do so, but this time around, i would like to focus more on building up skill points and learning the strategy of the game to further assist in War-Time.

6. What is your main goal in Darkfall?

Main goal is to be a reliable servant to the Duke of Wessex. Trying to thrive and be one of the top of the current Wessex system. Contributing ideas and War Strategies to the appointed leaders to further help this guild and some day having the trust of his majesty. Furthermore, being a strategist for the Duchy is also a big goal for myself.

7. What is important to you in Darkfall and in the guild?

What i said in the previous question. Earning the trust of the cabinet, and his majesty. Also being able to help strategize and adapt to any given situations (the intangibles since that is my forte)

8. Tell us some of your sub-goals.

Sub-Goals would be being a well known, well-respected noble in the world of Darkfall. When someone sees me, i would like them to be able to say "that's Kalizus, he's one of the best in his fields and serves for the Duchy of Wessex"

also being a strategist for the Duchy.

9. Who do you expect to own?

I do not expect to own. Underestimating your opponent can ultimately lead you to getting owned. Every opponent will be dealt as if they were a superior being so that i will give it my best everytime i step on the battlefield.

10. Who do you expect will own you?

Duke and the Cabinet members of Wessex (lol)

11. Explain your fight style, your tactics, your techniques.

My fighiting style revolves around using movement to cause separation just enough to be able to cast spells without being touched. (of course that being if it's 1 on 1). In war, i stay behind a tank or a full armed man and assist him by using magic on the opposition he is fighiting so that our side has the upperhand. While doing this, i look around the area and try to see if any unexpected things occur so that i can alert the guys fighting and adjust to the situation accordingly.

I love being the brain of the operation and have great satisfaction when my strategy works. War is all about strategy and it is something that i am very good and dedicated at. War or diplomacy, my services and knowledge, will help the Duchy of Wessex and for that i am excited.

I am a strategist in heart and will forever be one. It is what i do best and what i have always done for other guilds in the past.

Tiberius McTavish
01-22-2009, 01:54 AM

Kalizus Zhuge
01-22-2009, 02:34 AM
thanks for moving this thread to the appropriate section.

just finished my Yeoman exam!

Quinton Emeka
01-22-2009, 03:24 AM
Hello and welcome to the forums!

Anduin Poros
01-22-2009, 05:22 AM
Salutations, and welcome to the Duchy! Good luck with your application, and I hope your exam went well.

Kalizus Zhuge
01-22-2009, 01:16 PM
thank you for all the warm welcome. I hope to hear the results soon and very excited for the game.

Sephiroth Benedict
01-22-2009, 06:32 PM
thank you for all the warm welcome. I hope to hear the results soon and very excited for the game.

I have high hopes for you.

Oakk Haddock
01-22-2009, 06:54 PM
I spoke to you on IRC about joining the Garrison. Hope you're still willing to join up. It's a free choice thing, so don't feel pressured.

What did you hope to achieve in Wessex?

Jacen Olliard
01-22-2009, 06:59 PM
Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex, if you need any help feel free to ask me.

Gustaph Calgacus
01-22-2009, 09:52 PM
Welcome to the Duchy. :)

(In future try to use several paragraphs instead of one wall of text please.:D)

Kalizus Zhuge
01-23-2009, 01:19 AM
Welcome to the Duchy. :)

(In future try to use several paragraphs instead of one wall of text please.:D)

haha i normally do, at that time, i was just writing what was on my mind and didn't notice that it was that long lol.

Avarice, i can apply once i'm a full member correct? i'll talk about it more on IRC when i get the chance.