View Full Version : Darkfall Merchants Association

Si'aan Anoura
01-15-2009, 11:18 PM
A lone horsewoman, clad in yellow and silver, appears over the nearby foothills. Her approach to the gates is swift; she stops just short of them, dismounts briskly and approaches the guards bearing a scroll sealed with a blue wax stamp. She speaks with the grace borne by all Mirdain, "Hail to you, Guards of Wessex. I come as an ambassador bearing official correspondence for your Lords - The Darkfall Merchants Association seeks your participation."

The ambassador hands the guard the scroll, turns and starts heading back towards her horse. She clasps the reins about to re-mount, pauses and looks at the guard. "We shall be trading with you soon." She climbs back onto her horse, turns to face the hills from whence she came, and sets off swiftly. "Naro lîm, Ki'liaan!" The sound of the horses hooves fades, leaving only a glimmer of silver in the distance; soon to disappear over the foothills without suggestion the rider had ever appeared.

The contents of the parchment are listed herein:

Well met to you, leaders of the Duchy of Wessex!

We write to you seeking your membership into the Darkfall Merchants Association (DMA) (http://www.darkfallmerchant.proboards.com/). We are a non-clan organisation aimed at promoting the welfare and success of crafters/gatherers/merchants in Agon. We are looking for both clans and individuals, both crafters and non-crafters, of any alignment, race or allegiance, to join our Association. Non-crafter types, such as mercenaries, city-builders, territorialists, naval-oriented and PvP/Anti-PKers are all invaluable to the success of crafters; yet non-crafters too have much to gain from crafters themselves. We aim to be 'above' inter-clan and racial politics. Our forum aims to provide a platform for individual members or clans to strike deals and contracts with other members, or form pacts as they see fit. We will likely also host a DNS (Do Not Sell) list to better pre-warn members against those who do not value the role of crafters. And since external websites will be accessible from within DFO, this will make it a useful tool while traveling the world of Agon.

If any of these core principles appeal to you at all, or to your clan as a whole, we will welcome all from the Duchy of Wessex amongst our Association. Feel free to visit, register and to join our discussions: Discussion and debate is what will see out the best outcomes. We are only a young organisation, but we are growing by the day, and would greatly value your involvement! Clans interested in empire building and territorial expansion stand to be best served by the Association's open and non-racial political status, as we are gaining crafters and non-crafters from all over Agon. This may, too, work in your favour.

I appreciate your counsel! May we offer you many trading opportunities into the future!

The parchment is signed in a silver ink:

Lady Si'aan Anoura.
Official Ambassador from the Darkfall Merchants Association (DMA) (http://www.darkfallmerchant.proboards.com/)

Einar Tyrssen
01-16-2009, 02:19 AM
Welcome. I think I'll forward you to HyuGarona considering he's my tradesman. As for Wessex, I don't know who to properly refer you to, but they'll catch wind of this I am sure.

Hyu Garona
01-16-2009, 11:50 AM
Hyu Garona was simply minding his business in Wessex, gathering a bit of strength and supplies here before continuing his journey around the world, so he could tell tales and information about distant lands to Einar and the other vikings in the tavern.
That's when he came across a dumbfounded guard on the streets, jogging lightly towards the administrative building in the city. Hyu Garona stopped him and asked: "Can I be of any help?". The guard stopped on his tracks and looked even more surprised. "Who might you be, sir?" looking at the wealthily clothed merchant, who wore many Norse ornaments. "My name is Hyu Garona and I am the High Tradesman of the Thanedom of Sleggjaholl, at your service." - *Hyu Garona bows slightly* - "Ah, High Tradesman you say? Then this concerns your thanedom as well, especially you." the guard implies.
"We just received a message from a lone horsewoman saying she's from the "Darkfall Merchants Association" and offered Wessex membership in it, naturally this includes your thanedom as well, being a part of Wessex." the guard continues. Hyu Garona delves in to his thoughts for a brief moment and then answers: "Thank you for the information, I'm indebted to you."
The guard shakes off these words of appreciation and says he must be off, and continues his jog towards the administrative building on a bit faster pace.

"This certainly sounds interesting, I need to think about this and investigate, if it sounds convincing enough I could persuade Einar on joining the association. Now, I'll just find out where this association is situated in and hope it's on the path of my journey." HyuGarona thinks, and decides to head out of the town as soon as possible and take contact with this association.