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View Full Version : EXPIRED - Oath of Service - Richard Bearpaw, Esq.

Richard Bearpaw
01-14-2009, 02:15 AM
Under the eyes of Auros I vow my service to His Lordship, Sir Lionel Vane, Thane of Ipswich & Knight of Wessex.

I will sweat.
I will train.
I will suffer.
I will fight.
I will bleed.

To teach those under the guidance of my lordship.
To protect what belongs to my lordship.

Through the darkest night and the brightest day.

So swear I,
Richard Bearpaw.

Lionel Vane
01-14-2009, 02:37 PM
I, Sir Lionel Vane, Thane of Ipswich and defender of Wessex, do hereby accept Mr. Richard Bearpaw for squirage under my watch. To a quality unparalleled, I will mentor him in the arts of chivalry and warfare until such a time he is deemed worthy of knighthood. I promise to hone his heart and his mind in the knightly ways of the profession of arms to further the military strength and might of the Duchy of Wessex.

May Auros guide us in our efforts.

Sir Lionel Vane
Thane of Ipswich