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01-13-2009, 05:09 AM
Greetings all,

I am glad to be here and am so excited about the launch. I am an Army Scout in RL, and plan to play a recon/scout type of char for the Duchy. Can't wait to see you all on the field of battle.

-Secret Squirrel

Senadin Skorzenny
01-13-2009, 05:11 AM
Welcome Scout!

I want to wish you good luck on your app and just a side note since you will more than likely be requested to do so.

I would suggest you start finding a suitable medieval sounding name as well as a last name.

Other than that good luck!


Anduin Poros
01-13-2009, 10:16 AM
Ave, and welcome to the Duchy! I wish you the best of luck with your aspirations, and hope you enjoy every moment of your time spent here. Also, I agree with Senadin, a name more suitable to the race you choose in Darkfall would be more appropriate.

Christian de Winter
01-13-2009, 10:28 AM
Greeting's and welcome to the forum.

Also, I agree with Senadin, a name more suitable to the race you choose in Darkfall would be more appropriate.


To immerse yourself in the Duchy and the game world can only lead to a better experience overall.

Linelor Trant
01-13-2009, 12:27 PM
Greetings and welcome.

You 19D or some other designation? Never heard someone referred to as just an "Army Scout".