View Full Version : Hello everyone!

Brandon Boaz
01-12-2009, 05:27 AM
I meant to make this earlier today but I was to busy to. =[

I did want to get a thread up today before going to bed just to introduce myself and ask a question or maybe two!

Ill start off with a little bit of info on my name:

I made my name what it is because I did not want to have a randomly generated name but something that actually had meaning behind it. I name my character directly after my late friend who was also a gamer and he would have loved to have been in this guild and play darkfall.

I also want to make note of how serious I am about committing to this game and this guild if it is truly the right match. If I'm not in this guild you would still be able to put your money down on me being somewhere in darkfall making a name for myself. The allure of being one of the first to explore this massive world has really drawn me into wanting to take this game seriously. I am slightly dumb founded however on how I never heard or read about this wonderful game earlier because if I would have known I might have joined this forum long ago.

Now onto my question...

To be honest I am slightly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content you have accumulated based on a game that hasn't even come out yet! So far I've been approaching it as a challenge but I already feel so far behind... I do have optimism however because I know the release of the game is right around the corner and I will have plenty of chances then to prove my worth and hopefully become a fully assimilated into the Duchy of Wessex community. I do understand however that being an active member on the forums will be vital to having a long and successful career in this guild so... I wanted to ask what steps would you recommend I take from here on out to maximize my usefulness to this organization? I just want to successfully assimilate and become part of the group before I decide what route I take in DF and as a member of this guild.

Thank you!

Komako the Hawk
01-12-2009, 05:31 AM
Don't try to soak it all in at once... that's impossible. Hop on our ventrilo, ask questions, and get a feel for the clan there.

The content's all there because we've been waiting around and active three years for Darkfall. You do a lot of gaming together over the course of time.

The chat/vent information is available in this trial member section.

Brandon Boaz
01-12-2009, 05:40 AM
I have IRC and I have some experience with it and I will be getting vent before the game is released. I have experience using mics to communicate and coordinate in game but I haven't used vent before.

I dont think I could be bothered to hop on IRC tonight, Ill make a note of it and make sure to get on some day soon though. Hopefully tomorrow. =]

Komako the Hawk
01-12-2009, 05:45 AM
Don't worry about IRC so much as vent. Vent is the primary communicator.

Ardwan Ashcroft
01-12-2009, 06:36 AM
Aye jump on vent, some amusing conversations on there.

But yeah don't worry too much about learning everything all at once, get an idea what path you want to take eg. military, burgess, clergy, etc and learn what there is to know about that path. The rest of the knowledge will come in time.

And don't be afraid to just jump in on any thread that you have an opinion on. :)

Adaleric de Lavergne
01-18-2009, 04:31 PM
Welcome Brandon!

Being in your exact same position, I know how you feel about wanted to know everything that is to know about the game + Duchy.

Hopefully we'll meet on Vent and exchange notes on whatever info we gathered so far.