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View Full Version : Ave, citizens of Wessex!

Anduin Poros
01-11-2009, 01:37 PM
Salutations to you all.

I, Anduin Poros (real name: Tobias Garsten), recently approved trial member of The Duchy of Wessex, would like to introduce myself to my fellow brothers and sisters in, and out of, arms.
A veteran gamer, I have experience from most genres of computer and video games, and have also been a Guild Leader in World of Warcraft at two occasions. I first heard of the Duchy when browsing the Darkfall clan recruitment pages, and the Duchy page immediately caught my attention. Kudos to whoever posted that! I found the apparent organization of the guild and devotion of its members particularly appealing, resulting in my application for membership yesterday.

Once in game, it is my intention to play as a ranged character, though this aspiration may come to change depending on what type of character I find most comfortable to play, naturally. I also intend to pay great interest in the protection and management of cities and their immediate surroundings. However this is merely an ardent desire, and I will gladly settle for any position offered to me in the future, if I find it appealing.
I hope you find this introduction satisfactory, and I look forward to seeing you all both in the world of Darkfall and here in the forums.

Best of luck in your future endeavours, though you would undoubtedly not need it.

Anduin Poros

Grim Dvalin
01-11-2009, 02:45 PM
Cool, welcome aboard. All you gotta do now is post a lot and make sure you don't insult everyone and you'll make it to Full Member. I'd read the Fireside chats if you have access and time and then maybe hop in ventrilo and play with us. All that information is located within the Boroughs. Goodluck, Grim.

Ardwan Ashcroft
01-11-2009, 02:51 PM
make sure you don't insult everyone

Sempi is fair game though, so insult away. :D


Anduin Poros
01-11-2009, 03:01 PM
Cool, welcome aboard. All you gotta do now is post a lot and make sure you don't insult everyone and you'll make it to Full Member. I'd read the Fireside chats if you have access and time and then maybe hop in ventrilo and play with us. All that information is located within the Boroughs. Goodluck, Grim.

Why, thank you! Yes, I've checked out the Fireside chats and they indeed proved to be very rich with useful information. I'm working my way through the compiled knowledge thread at the moment. Can't wait till the 22nd!

Starcius Nanduin
01-11-2009, 03:31 PM
Welcome, Anduin. May the sacred light of Auros guide you always in your stay in the Duchy and Kingdom.

Gustaph Calgacus
01-11-2009, 04:27 PM
Welcome to the Duchy mate. :)

Quinton Emeka
01-11-2009, 05:31 PM
Welcome Anduin!

Alandarus Barbatus
01-11-2009, 06:36 PM
Hello and Welcome to the forums.

Barden Jusik
01-11-2009, 07:18 PM
Hello there, welcome to Wessex!

Graymor Stonebreaker
01-11-2009, 07:33 PM
Welcome to Wessex!

Anduin Poros
01-11-2009, 08:07 PM
Thank you all for this kind reception! The atmosphere of the Duchy has so far greatly exceeded my expectations!