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View Full Version : New comer Kirriku (Winds Of Judgment)

07-02-2006, 04:21 PM
I am Kirriku a newcomer. I was born in 1987, male, and my game tag will be Winds of Judgment. I would like to say hi to Edda Gast because I live in Windsor Ontario too.

It is now 11:49am eastern time on Sunday, July, 02, 2006 and I just woke up. Last night I found DarkFall (DF) website again a decided to read its updates. I read pretty much everything important in the official forums. I posted that I wanted to join a clan that was going to be active in DarkFall.

Protonix (http://forums.darkfallonline.com/member.php?u=11086) told me to check out ?The Duchy of Wesser? website and read about it. After reading some basic stuff I filled out an application.

I have been playing Guild Wars (GW?s) since the beta. I am now retired from GW?s and looking for a new MMO .I have most of my MMO experience from GW?s. I was a monk and I would like to be something along those lines in DF, since there are no real classes in DarkFall.

My second character would probably an rouge involved with stealth.

If I am accepted as a "Trial Member" I am going to try to achieve full member status. From there I don?t know what path I will take because I did not see anything about a monk slot in the government. If there is can a member please reply to this and tell me so. Who knows maybe one day even part of the ?Ducal court.?

I would like to give special thanks to Protonix for helping me with technical support last night.

I have a question for the full access member in the DF official forums. I have applied for full access by replying on that thread. What does full access give you and do they send you an activation email or do they just give it to you.

Thanks for your time.

Devin Saunders

Dizaster Kaztro
07-02-2006, 07:04 PM
Welcome and good luck with the trial process

Jord Hunter
07-02-2006, 07:21 PM
Greetings Kirriku! Good luck with the application.

Tagrun Urit
07-02-2006, 07:41 PM
The closest thing to a monk would be:
Chaplain: Those who have joined external holy orders of Morgaine but who have NOT yet achieved the rank of knight of their orders may find themselves serving a role on the field somewhat like a combat medic. These will be the acolytes, aspirants, etc. of those orders. They will collectively be known militarily as "chaplains". Regular footmen who have trained healing skill will not be known as chaplains unless they are not villeins but members of the clergy.

(You can find more about ranks in the Fireside Chat about Military located here. (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showthread.php?t=303)

07-03-2006, 01:27 AM
well, I wish you good luck, but erm, roleplaying? just curious :D

07-05-2006, 06:28 PM
I love the intro. Welcome!