View Full Version : A Strange Fate

Bosi Stonefist
12-31-2008, 08:17 PM
Hail members of the Dutchy of Wessex, Bosi at your service and your family's!

At the behest of my father Bror, second clerk of the Voice of Ymir I have departed on a strange journey. For many years my father has spoken to me of a part that I must play before the Book of Instructions is completed, it was not until today that I truly believed him.

With naught but the clothes on my back and a hand copied page from the Book itself he sent me, his only son out into the wilderness with a simple task, "find your destiny."
For weeks I traveled throughout all of Dvergheim; from the Sarthan Sea to the boarders of Morak, though I found nothing that hinted at the task ahead of me. With little rations left I prepared to turn back, though I knew not what I would tell to my father. As I turned my back on the desolation of the Ork lands a shadow passed across my eyes.

Upon a tall pine sat an aged crow, it's dark eyes stared intently at me. As I met it's gaze it flew off in the direction of Morak, I knew I must follow.

For three days and nights I followed him, always flying within site, over hill and dale I did not lose sight of him until my journey's end. Now for those of you thinking it all a delusion, a figment of a hungry, lonely mind I will say this, I traveled through the heart of Morak for three days and nights and saw not one Ork, else how would one such as I make it to your doorstep? No, this crow was a sign from Ymir himself!

As the dawn broke on the third day the crow landed upon a sign at the foot of a hill "Welcome to Wessex". Ymir has sent me to you, for what I know not, but you have my axe until my lord releases me, or death takes me.
Hello everyone, and a happy new years to you all! My name is Paul, I'm an avid MMORPG player, writer, and game designer. I have been following Darkfall for some time now and decided that it was high time that I found a group of like minded individuals who are looking to have fun together in what I am hoping is an MMO that I will be playing for a very long time.

I hope that I can join you all in Darkfall and find a place among new friends in the Dutchy of Wessex.

Sagremor Cleremont
12-31-2008, 08:23 PM
Welcome Bosi! Excellent RP there- :D

Tiberius McTavish
12-31-2008, 09:30 PM

What games have you designed? ANything published?

Alandarus Barbatus
12-31-2008, 10:06 PM
Hail and Welcome.

Bosi Stonefist
12-31-2008, 11:40 PM

What games have you designed? ANything published?

I am currently a content designer for a major published MMO, mostly quest/instance/story design.

Thiadulf Siwardsson
01-01-2009, 12:44 AM
I am currently a content designer for a major published MMO, mostly quest/instance/story design.

Welcome! i bet its Age of Conan...somehow i see developers from Funcom everywhere:D

Xerius Xonce
01-01-2009, 02:10 AM

Brophy Wolfborn
01-01-2009, 08:44 PM
I'm sure Bosi is the name of a major dwarf NPC in LOTRO :D

Lionel Vane
01-01-2009, 08:52 PM
Hi /wave

Bosi Stonefist
01-01-2009, 08:57 PM
I'm sure Bosi is the name of a major dwarf NPC in LOTRO :D

:eek: Thank you all for the warm welcome!

01-01-2009, 09:08 PM
a major published MMO
But its not as good as DF is it... come on say it.. lol :)


01-01-2009, 09:20 PM
Welcome, that was some nice RP right there! ;)

Bosi Stonefist
01-02-2009, 01:39 AM
But its not as good as DF is it... come on say it.. lol :)


I am hoping I can relive my old UO days in Darkfall :) I played on the pacific server and was a member of the Guardians of Light, anyone else?