View Full Version : Greetings From Exilium

12-21-2008, 11:54 PM
Greetings from Exilium,

I am Kneph, Emissary for Exilium. It is my pleasure to stand before you as Exilium's representative. Who is Exilium you might ask? We are the DFO chapter of the multi-gaming guild Legend-Gaming. We began as the Hand of Set, a guild for Age of Conan. If you followed AoC at all before it was released you should recognize that name. The Hand of Set is going strong still, however many of our members have decided to come over to DFO and be a part of Exilium.

At this stage Exilium is beginning to contact clans in the DFO community. Our goal is to get to know many of the clans and alliances pre-release, particularly those that have proven decent character in the community so far. The Duchy and it's subclans have earned a level of respect from us for their conduct thus far. That is why I am here now.

If an appropriate member of the Duchy or any subclan wishes to contact me, I will be more than happy to set something up. I look forward to getting to know you more in the comming weeks.


Emissary of Exilium

Komako the Hawk
12-22-2008, 12:19 AM
Your Excellency, Ambassador Kneph,

Wessex is familiar with the Hand of Set from Age of Conan, as our Hyperion compatriots, the Silver Sun Republic shared a common coalition with your folk known as the "Hyborian Accord". A few Wessexians, under joint command of His Grace, the Doge Brando De'Medici have been witness to your clan's acquaintance as well.

I look forward to audience with yourself, via any medium of communication. Please get back to me--

Komako the Hawk
Officer, Head of Heralds