View Full Version : Family Invitations
Casilda Tametomo
12-12-2008, 10:06 PM
Watch this space for the unsuspension of Family Creation, soon™ !
If you've been in the clan for at least 6 months and would like to put forth your worthy name as a potential family for those with whom you are well-acquainted, simply create a post in this thread with your surname and details regarding what might be expected of a potential candidate. If you then find someone you would like to add to your RP family, and when application-taking resumes, PM the information for review.
When posting your potential Family's information, please consider the following and make notes accordingly:
Racial: With respect to any certain game or racial archetype, do you want your family to be of one race only, or of some combination?
Timezone: Do you want your kin to be in the same timezone as you? Or perhaps even a different one?
Roleplay: To what degree would you like them to roleplay?
PvP: What PvP enthusiasms (if any) should applicants possess?
Archetype: Do you want applicants with certain playstyles, such as crafters, mages or archers?
Themes: Are certain themes important to you? Should one be content to be poor, or comfortable with riches and ambition, or solid yeoman stock? Do you want internal drama, generational conflict, or a lack of same?
Unique Renown: For what do you wish the family to be known for that extends beyond mere archetypes and playstyles? Politics? Exploration? Musical ability?
Social Status: Consider carefully the implications and limitations of your social rank on the process of building your family. The higher the original rank, the stricter the constraints. The greater the social progress, the more complex the requirements.
Other: Anything important to you which isn't yet covered. You may expect your prospective family members to undergo interviews, tests, quests, auditions, or duels.
(Feel free to suggest more criteria to be mentioned in this list.)
Before making any decision, consider carefully what your aspirations in Wessex are. Those with whom you associate yourself to the point of blood relation could be a deciding factor in some pivotal issues of career and rank.
Please try to take this seriously. Roleplay is done for fun, yet these decisions carry implications and creating family ties shouldn't be a flippant or hasty exercise (even elopements can take some planning, /ooc). You must be able to trust your family members with your reputation as a player, not just a character, in this clan.
The application must be made by a member who has been in the guild for longer than six months. It must include detailed information about the other members; this obligation carries on to future members of the family. If the application is substantial and meets the six month requirement, a more in-depth investigation will be carried out as to the integrity of the family and its members; this will be conducted in a timely but thorough fashion and in no way permitted to discourage roleplay by being overly tedious.
The creation of a family will not always be fast and families will be limited in their number of members, to varying degrees. The more members you have, the more complexity in obtaining more, so make careful choices.
List of Active Potential Families:
(When Family Creation opens once again:)
Sothenic (
Stronngust (
Lady Sothenic
Mistress of Heralds of Wessex
Thanks to Dreign Swift for original material and inspiration.
Adding new families.
Removing links to unapproved families.
Name changes.
Jaidyn Sothenic
02-22-2009, 10:05 PM
Race: Human
Timezone: No requirement - Although EA would be preferable.
RPer: IS A REQUIREMENT! - As myself and the current members are roleplayers I would like to keep that as a rule, doesn't mean you have to use thees and thous. You just need to play the character as if you were living him or her.
PvPer: Is not a requirement; bad, good or average we don't mind.
Archetype: No requirement - The plan is the Sothenic name has come from an ancient noble family, but centuries past it fell under hard times, so the up-and-coming family are here to earn their good name back. So a class of mostly anything is fine as long as it is honorable, i.e. no necromancy, murderers et cetera :)
Theme: No requirement - An honorable family setup.
Unique Renown: The Sothenic family name fell on hard times years past, but the last century has allowed the family to regain their lost honor but not their Knightly status.
Social Status: No requirement - Can consist of any social status as long as it's honorable and with good intent.
Other: As stated you must be a roleplayer to join Sothenic, obviously in the middle of PvP we dont expect you to risk death to try and roleplay :) But within the towns or cities, or even adventuring with other members I would like the to be a must.
Only have 4 members so far, but hopefully roleplayers will follow sync and want to join in within the family.
Current members:
Kaylem Sothenic, armour and weaponsmith for Sir Beric Veincrusher of Brockmore.
Kaylem is the old head of the family and while nearing his forties and showing his age he is often sought for his wisdom and friendly words. After losing his wife at the birth of his son
Jaidyn Sothenic, he has not looked for new love with another women within Wessex.
Kellshar Sothenic, the youngster of the family and son to the blacksmith Kaylem, at only 20 years old Kellshar enlisted within the army of Sir Beric from a young age. His aim to become a famous archer within Sir Berics army was a proud moment for his father. And was soon gifted with his fathers old bow from years past.
Mortharr Sothenic, a slight rebel within the house, the younger brother of Kaylem and by far the greater warrior of the family. He is also interested in joining the Kings men at the barracks, and would no doupt be one of their best on the field of battle.
Tarscanian Sothenic, by far the most honorable of the family, its as if he was born a knight but held no titles. A skillfull warrior in battle and a man full of Wessex knowledge, it is Tarsc's dream to one day be knighted and fight and die for his king.
Duncan Blackmoor
03-15-2010, 01:03 PM
This is the Blackmoor family and their story. I have primarily written this for my own sake to have a little background story for me and my alts. But it is also my hope that others will find this at least mildly interesting. I don't know for sure if I am actually looking for new family members, but if you would like to be a part of the Blackmoor family and if you feel you have something to bring to this, then feel free to let me know. I'm also willing to lend out female family members to other families :)
All this is a work in progress and subject to changes.
Race: Tindremic(human).
Time zone: Any (but i’m EU GMT +01:00)
Roleplay: This is the main focus and reason for the Blackmoor family, so its a big plus to like this!
PvP: no requirement
Archetypes: The Blackmoor family is primarily known for producing many fine craftsmen, many of whom has made a good name for themselves. But a few has also been known to become good soldiers or influental courtiers.
Themes: This is a dynasty broken apart by greed and intrigue. There have been alot of strife, but there is also a small part of the family who are trying to see past their differences and create something new and better.
Unique Renown: The family claims the shortest mayorship in history.
Family Tree
Family Background
Blackmoor is the name of a once wealthy and influential burgess family, taking their name from a small hamlet where old grandfather Laurence became a successful goldsmith. Laurence was married to the daughter of a simple, but successful farmer, and she gave birth to 4 willful sons and 2 beautiful daughters. The first born William was destined to take over his fathers business and so was apprenticed in the, by now famously successful, goldsmith. Edmund became an apprentice smith in a larger nearby town, the third son Thomas entered the church, and the youngest, and Matthew became a soldier in the Duke’s army.
Many years passed, and the family business grew to become a major operation with several occupied smiths and apprentices. The gold and silverwares where famous far beyond their little town, and merchants came often to bring them back to the local gentry of their area. Often one such gentry would even order a special item, and so both Laurence and his eldest son came on friendly terms with many wealthy and powerful people.
Matthew was the first to die, in the service of the duke, but not before fathering a couple of sons with a woman he met on his many travels. Catherine took her husbands sons with her to the Blackmoor residence to introduce them to their grandfather. However Laurence had never heard Matthew mention any marriage of any kind, and so enraged over his son’s death refused to take them in and left them on the street with no way to take care of themselves.
This did not fit well with Edmund, who had always been much closer to Matthew than his two other brothers. He took them in and gave them a home, however being just a apprentice; he could not offer the same luxury they would have had otherwise.
The family was split in two and hard times where ahead. Laurence eventually died in a mysterious accident in his gold smith. The three brothers didn’t speak much with each other any longer. Mathew’s sons grew up jealous of the wealth they felt they should have had.
William had sons of his own now, the eldest he called Matt and he should learn the trade of his father. Later came Duncan, he was allowed in the goldsmith now and then to learn a few things, but was eventually sent off to some monks of Soldeus to be taught the ways of Soldeus, to read and write and other useful skills. When he came home many years later, his older brother and his father was dead, and the goldsmith had been taken over by one of his rivals, with the bastard Jack Blackmoor in charge.
It was said that a tragic accident had happened and William and Matt Blackmoor had died in a terrible fire that almost consumed their goldsmith. No one dared say who was thought responsible for the fire, and William’s youngest son Laurence had been forced to flee the town. Duncan had no choice but to flee himself, and so he traveled far away and was not seen or heard from for many years.
Now he has been reunited with his younger brother and together they have returned to Wessex in an effort to bring their family back together, and rebuild what their grandfather had left them.
Family members
Duncan Blackmoor
(details comming)
Laurence Blackmoor
(details comming)
Siwoc Blackmoor
(details comming)
House Servants
Asgeir Stone
Manfred Hand
Twyster Stronngust
03-28-2010, 05:26 PM
Racial: Kallard\Khurite\Tindremene
Timezone: No requirement - although EU would be preferable.
Roleplay: Role-play is a must.
PvP: Everyone must always be ready & willing to fight.
Archetype: No requirement except no criminals--thieves, murderers, etc'.
Themes: No requirement.
Unique Renown: The Stronngust family is known for their dedication and commitment to the kingdom of Wessex as warriors and protectors of the people, architects of the College of Arms and pioneers of the Church of Soldeus.
Social Status: No requirement.
Other: Every family member is expected to be in the Church OR in the Garrison.
Family Tree:
Family History:
Otto Osterwind
06-21-2011, 08:36 PM
Racial: Kallard preferred.
Timezone: No timezone requirement
Roleplay: Worship Soldeus, respect priests, use proper forms of address. Be an upstanding citizen. (No murderers, no thievery)
PvP: Emphasis on the use of swords and maces. Horsemanship also a big plus. If you're not that type, then that's alright too.
Archetype: Melee soldiers capable of mounted combat. Non-military family are merchants and a select few are part of the clergy as Chaplains or are part of the Order of St.Lucian. Women are excluded from the archetype requirements as they are to be at home taking care of our respective homes and preparing good food or trying to get married.
Themes: Honesty, Loyalty, and Fear of thy God.
Unique Renown: The Osterwinds have taken part in and orchestrated numerous military victories including the orchestration of the siege of the final Talusian fortress.
Social Status: Gentry
Other: If you make an oath, or make an agreement and cannot justify not being able to complete the task then you may be asked to kill off your character. Aside from that; soldiers who bear the Osterwind name are expected to attend drills regularly. Role playing is a must (Use proper forms of address, learn a bit about Soldeus and worship him, treat Clergy with the utmost respect, treat Knights (even enemy ones) with a degree of respect) but Ye Olde English is not.
Family Tree: The Osterwinds (
*Note: Women who have not produced a male heir or have not married are not presented on the tree. It is entirely possible to marry one of them to create a link to the Osterwind family.
Family History: (Will be modified as more people join the family)
Sir Otto Osterwind : Otto is the first Knight of the family thus far. He was a footman under Constable Sir Kaylem Sothenic and quickly promoted to Serjeant with his long time friend Sir Bastor Sharpeye (Then a Serjeant as well). When Sir Bastor became Sir Kaylem's squire, Otto was promoted to the rank of Ventenar and continued his duties as normal. Shortly there after, Sir Bastor would take Otto in as his squire, deeming him worthy of Knighthood. Mister Otto would lead several raids throughout the Talusian Campaign which helped the Kingdom achieve victory. He would be Knighted by His Grace the Duke of Wessex in the Cathedral of Saint-Germain at the age of 23.
Varrick ChaosWielder
05-12-2013, 08:25 AM
Racial: Human (traces of Half-Orc blood. Orc's will only be accepted with an extremely good back story and reason for it)
Timezone: Any (North America primarily)
Roleplay: High (Any Game is Possible. Family started in Mortal Online, but is also in DarkFall and can be in any game)
PvP: Low (You must at least be able to defend yourself. Of course the better you are, the more usefull it is!)
Archetype: Inquisitors, Warrior-Priests, Church Warriors, Priests of Soldeus, Religious Serf's (Crafters).
Themes: The ChaosWielder bloodline are descendants of a bloodthirsty half-orc'ish horde that has seen "the light". They are led by a ruthless Inquisitor of the name of Varrick. His faith is fanatical. So any character's that join the bloodline would have to have a backstory that shows why they as well left the tribe, and joined the Duchy of Wessex. Varrick would permit none that aren't devout to Soldeus to stay alive.
Unique Renown: The family is known as Inquisitor-type within the Church of Soldeus. They all eventually take their Oath of Faith and progress through the clergy.
Social Status: Freemen (Must take Oath of Faith as soon as Possible)
Famiy Rumor's:
In dark corners of the tavern, there is a story going around by one of the travelling merchants. They say they recognized one of the local populace of Mohki. The story is whispered, as if almost heretical in nature...
"Many years ago, in the northern reaches of Nave, there was a tribe known as incredible raiders. This tribe interbreeded freely with the Risars of the north, with most members being half-breeds. Over the generations, they amassed vast fortunes of blood money. It was said that they had the favour of Umbra, and that was the key to their power."
It is at that point that the merchant would look around to make sure there is no unwanted ears, as if even the telling of this story could get him killed.
"One day, the chieftain had a son. He named him Varrick. This child quickly grew to become one of the tallest warriors of the tribe, and one of the most vicious. When he was a teenager, his father gave him command of a large raiding party. They terrorized the local population and would even raid as far south as Meduli and Mohki. About a decade ago on one of the raids, things went horribly wrong. He was stuck in a burning building. It is said that the screams of pain where heard half-way accross the world. The raiders returned to the village with news that they saw him burn, and his flesh melt away. A great funeral was held for him, and he was seen as a hero of the tribe."
A great hush follows as people start listening on in even closer.
"One week after the funeral, Varrick was spotted heading back towards the village. No one would believe it. He eventualy arrived, and he did not have a single wound or scorch mark on him. It was rumoured that he was reborn from the flame. All the people gathered to see the miracle warrior, expecting a rousing story. But Varrick was changed... something else was inside him now. He pointed at the tribe... and said but one word... Corruption."
The merchant proceeds to describe various carnage. He say's the stories vary from group to group, but all stories agree that the man single handedly killed and captured everyone from the tribe. They say he gathered his family on a great pier, and proceeded to recite cants of Soldeus. Once he was finished, he burned them all to the stake.
What he did after that is not known, but eventualy he found his way back to Mohki, where he joined the Kingdom of Wessex. Not many people realised his past at the time, as He had a strong sence of righteousness. It became a natural choice for him to join the Church. The rumours say that his gaze can pierce your soul, and judge you for all sins you may have commited and not attoned for.
Repent now... before his gaze falls upon you.
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