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View Full Version : RETIRED - Vow of Faith - Anselm Dwyer

Anselm Dwyer
12-11-2008, 06:30 AM
I, Anselm Dwyer, publicly announce my Vow of Faith to the service of our grand father Auros, the harbinger of light, the solar deity of the heavens, the sanctifier of life, and father of the Mercian race. With these words I willingly sacrifice my possessions, my life, and all my strength before Him, so that I am most capable of carrying His radiant light throughout Agon.

On this day I author a lasting covenant, constructed through faith, and sealed by sacrifice, that I may be banished from a life of selfish intent and introduced to one of servitude and enlightenment. Through this covenant I promise that I unhesitatingly extend the cleansing arm of Auros across the land of Agon to even its most foul infestations. For His will be my strength and guidance, on these Vows I swear my life.

May Auros’ light encompass and guide us all.
