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View Full Version : Salutations

11-23-2008, 10:05 PM
*A courier passes by the local reception area and leaves an unsealed letter with the authorities. He has been paid handsomely to make sure that it got into the right hands without being overlooked.

The letter, written in a flowing, elegant script, reads the following…*

Greetings, Duchy of Wessex :

Word of your grand projects for the campaigns that are soon to take place in Agon has got around, and having learned some things about your State, I wish to offer my services to the Duke. I am Florizel, and, if you would not mind, I shall leave all the rest of my background out of the introduction – if I am permitted to call myself a vassal of His Grace, my life should begin at that point with a clean slate. One thing that is certain is that you would have my loyalty and support in all your efforts. At this time, I do not possess any specific skills, but of all the possibilities, serving on one of His Grace’s Ships sounds the most exciting. I shall keep this letter short. Please consider it to be my formal application to your ranks.

My kindest regards,


Komako the Hawk
11-23-2008, 10:23 PM
The Chancery receives such letter, and it impresses with flowing, eloquent script, as well as the courtesy of the individual who has written it. A Clerk prepares a response, which will reach "Florizel" shortly.