View Full Version : Greetings
Warien Illrendar
11-18-2008, 06:17 AM
Hello everyone,
Thank you for accepting me as a trial member, I look forward to becoming a full member. I am new to Darkfall I only found out about it less then a week ago but after reading up on it I am very excited about it. I been playing mmo's for quite some time now. I started with UO which is one of the reasons Darkfall is so interesting to me as it sounds alot like the early days of UO only with much more to it. I have also played EQ,EQ2,AC,WOW, and a few others for less time. I have not decided what type of character I will make, especially since I saw that we may be limited to one character per server, I will figure out my character type when I have had a chance to see what skills are available. I look forward to meeting you all and thanks again for accepting me.
Komako the Hawk
11-18-2008, 06:34 AM
What attracts you to Wessex? What do you aspire to be in the Duchy, and why?
Oakk Haddock
11-18-2008, 12:32 PM
Cool, I'm from the old UO days, that is what originally attracted me to Darkfall. Full loot, open PVP, no safezones.
Good to have you on board, good luck with your application.
Warien Illrendar
11-19-2008, 01:52 AM
What attracts you to Wessex? What do you aspire to be in the Duchy, and why?
What attracts me to Wessex is the guild structure and organization. I have been in many guilds some large some small and never been in a guild that was this organized. I think that the more organized and structured the guild or clan is the more likely that members will interact and play together. Some of my more recent experiences with guilds have been lacking due to the guilds being to casual and there being no real guild activities or anything to really get involved with. Thats not to say I want to be in a hardcore guild or clan or want to be told what to do all the time. But I can think of several guilds I have been in where the guild was little more then another chat channel. One problem though for me in MMO's has been with the nature of some of the games like in WoW or to a lesser extent EQ2 where level differences seperate players and make it so that higher level players have no real reason or ability to associate with lower level players. I think in Darkfall this will be less of a problem due to the fact that there are no levels. The other skill based game I played was UO and there were never times in my experience when I couldnt play with guild members or friends like in some of the more recent level based games. As far as what I aspire to be in the Duchy, that I have not firmly decided on yet. Mostly because I am not really sure what type of character I will make in Darkfall because I dont know what skills will be available and what limitations there will be. Likely though I will make some sort of melee/caster character and so will be hoping to become a Man At Arms or perhaps Thaumaturgist if I go more caster type. Anyway this is getting long, thanks for welcoming me.
Tarscanian Sothenic
11-19-2008, 03:10 PM
Well answered and well met!
Robert Namo
11-19-2008, 05:06 PM
Alandarus Barbatus
11-19-2008, 08:03 PM
Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex.
Barden Jusik
11-19-2008, 08:18 PM
Welcome to wessex!
Gustaph Calgacus
11-19-2008, 08:39 PM
Welcome to Wessex mate. :)
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