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Jozua Lodewijk
11-16-2008, 01:50 AM
Greetings from a hopeful potential!
I wanted to stop in and introduce myself as a recent applicant. You've truly impressed me with the quality of both this website and its community.
I began my MMO history with EQ and have since played WoW, SWG, EVE Online, and dabbled in several others. In the latter two I served in leadership roles and loved every minute!
Most notably I helped to form the first wholesale resource mining co-operative on our SWG server dubbed 'AngelCor'. Conservatively, we provided the server's crafters with about 40% of their raw material almost exclusively, and served as a successful business model for other endeavors.
In real life I'm a 26 year old English teacher with a Masters in a completely unrelated field - Information Technology Management. So far it hasn't done me much good, but thats more by choice than circumstance.
I love to travel and currently teach throughout the world. I have plans to teach on a simi-tropical island South of South Korea called Jeju-do this coming August and I'm very excited!
So far in my travels I've covered most of Asia and hope to make a good run at Europe in the coming years. So if any of you live in Europe (and I'd wager you do) I'd love to come visit some time!
My goals, if accepted to the Duchy, lean toward those of a statesman and diplomat. I'm a fairly good communicator and hope to eventually place my skills in the Duke's employ. I would also like to have an alternate crafting character as one of my fondest memories from gaming was creating a city in SWG. I would love to be a direct contributor to the physical presence of the Duchy of Wessex.
I have, also, two close friends who will likely be applying in the near future. We are each excited at the potential of this community and hope to become active and contributing members.
Much thanks if you've read through all of this, haha!
Si vales, bene est, ego valeo.
Jed Esposito (rl)
Jozua Lodewijk (hopefully my in game name)
Jozua Lodewijk
11-16-2008, 02:05 AM
I neglected to include my contact information in the first post. I would love to talk with any current members!
Feel free to contact me with any of the following:
MSN: egerthe (at)
AIM: JedTheHutt
Facebook: Jedidiah Esposito
Oakk Haddock
11-16-2008, 02:15 AM
Whats up Joz. You're awesome!
Well, we each have our own questions, so heres mine. What kind of computer hardware are you playing on?
You should talk to Ztyx. He's interested in creating a mining company, he might like to pick your brain a little. Can you tell us a little more about how you accomplished that?
Andien von Lowestadt
11-16-2008, 02:26 AM
Hey there! Welcome to Wessex, you will fit right in :)
Jozua Lodewijk
11-16-2008, 02:46 AM
Whats up Joz. You're awesome!
Well, we each have our own questions, so heres mine. What kind of computer hardware are you playing on?
You should talk to Ztyx. He's interested in creating a mining company, he might like to pick your brain a little. Can you tell us a little more about how you accomplished that?
Avarice, thank you for the prompt response!
For the moment I'm playing on a cyberpowerpc laptop. Its nothing terribly special but I think it'll handle Darkfall alright for the time being. Its an AMD Turion 64 x2 Mobil @ 2 Ghz. 2 Gigs of ram. I'm planning on purchasing something more capable within the next year.
Our mining operation 'AngelCor' was a great experience. We kept it in guild at first but later hired out as needs required.
The basic model had three departments: Accounts/Advertising, Claimers, and Miners.
In SWG resource spawns shifted at set times, and so staying on top of the best spawns became a priority. For this reason we began paying a finder's fee to anyone who reported spawns to us. This award scaled to reflect the quality and demand of the particular resource found. This eventually developed into a commisioned department of AngelCor. We had a small army of employees who dedicated some of their playtime to galaxy-wide resource surveying.
Knowing where the spawns were, however, was only half the battle. We contracted player's structure slots paying them a small rental fee and assigning them weekly locations to place their harvesters (which we also provided, + fuel to run them). In addition to slot rental we paid our miners weekly sallaries based on the quantity and quality of the resources they brought back. While percentages fluctuated with supply and demand we were able to pay our employees considerably well making them some of the wealthiest on the server. And usually for only an hour of 'work' per week.
Though we payed our employees more than adequately, our profit margin was high because of the effectiveness of our operation. We were first to claim spawns and always offered our resources at fair market prices. Several of the server's wealthiest crafters placed orders regularly and often in advance, knowing that we would faithfully deliver.
While specifics will most certainly be different in Darkfall this basic model can be easily adapted... but I'll be damned if I'm going to be in charge of the spreadsheets this time! lol
- Jozua
Oakk Haddock
11-16-2008, 02:55 AM
Wow, thats awesome. Solid initiative.
Hopefully we can look forward to your leadership in Darkfall.
Jozua Lodewijk
11-16-2008, 03:04 AM
Hey there! Welcome to Wessex, you will fit right in :)
Thanks for the warm welcome! ...but I am not a Jedi yet... :cool:
Vasidius Kalgar
11-16-2008, 03:16 AM
Seems you are very business minded and that you have knowledge and expeirence in the department, i hope you find the correct career within Wessex so that we as a guild and you as a player can benefit.
Good luck on your application.
Jozua Lodewijk
11-16-2008, 03:19 AM
I would be happy in either diplomacy or business, but I'd probably enjoy diplomacy more :)
Alandarus Barbatus
11-16-2008, 06:12 AM
Welcome to Wessex.
Robert Namo
11-16-2008, 06:35 AM
Oakk Haddock
11-16-2008, 03:31 PM
How is your application going?
Proximo Coriolanus
11-16-2008, 03:44 PM
Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex I hope you and your friends have the priviledge to grace us with your initiative.
Oakk Haddock
11-16-2008, 05:39 PM
You were accepted as a Trial member today.
Read some of the Fireside chats. Thats the sum of Wessex. Might help you decide how to proceed. They are quite a read all together, space it out, or, since its sunday, sit down with a beer and have a go at it.
Jozua Lodewijk
11-16-2008, 07:59 PM
I've set aside some time tonight after Ultimate Frisbee at the park. I'll do some reading then and choose a direction.
Thanks for accepting me as a trial member in this awesome community!
ZtyX Roman
11-17-2008, 12:33 PM
Now, now now.. I'll be damned if that's not a fellow miner! PERFECT!
I am so glad that you decided to join Wessex, Jozua. And I can tell you that you are just the man we need for our ambitious corporation Mining In Neurotic Expressionism Incorporated.
We're building a whole organization around mining and we've already had meetings and discussions on our model. Still. Many things are yet to be decided and the beta will help us understand the game aspects much better. But, the interest in mining stands!
I can imagine that you would be happy about continuing where you left off, but in a new environment. I played Star Wars Galaxies a lot and I can relate to everything you said. I'd be glad to hear about all of your experiences and your expertise could become an important asset of our organization. We have already had talks about spreadsheets and we've decided to hire an accountant (some time after launch) to help us with the economy of the company, but each associate is responsible for handing in easy to process information to this accountant. I can imagine that your approach to information management can prove to be very useful in various areas.
I'm very eager to invite you into our company.
You are very welcome to send me a PM.
And remember, one of the requirements to join is that you have a microphone and a headset. It's Alpha and Omega. :)
Our company is a work in progress and we've covered a plethora of possibilities and ideas already. The part of the result that is open to the public can be seen at: M.I.N.E inc - A Wessex Company (
ZtyX Roman
11-17-2008, 12:46 PM
I forgot to mention.. Perhaps you would be interested in the Fallen Earth Alpha. You can't access the forum it's in (or can you), but you can just send me a PM if you are interested. :)
It's 2 more applications before I send the next batch to their community director.
Jozua Lodewijk
11-18-2008, 12:10 AM
Thanks much for the invite! I am VERY interested in working with you.
I've had a very busy few RL days here.
I do have Ventrilo + headset and am quite accustomed to using them.
I should have a little more free-time soon here, so I'd love to check out the Fallen Earth beta!
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