View Full Version : Hello and goodday
Alistair Black
11-14-2008, 09:07 PM
Hey, my name is Cody, I hail from the USA.
Hope to join your ranks and work to fulfill any goal set for me.
My most recent gaming MMO experience is with Warhammer online, I was a beta tester for about 10 months prior to release, and decided I did not want to purchase and play it. The lack of content was what did it in for me. dont get me wrong, I love PvP, Though I need to have other things to do.
I think ive played almost every free mmorpg released in the last 5 years,
along with D1,D2, WoW, Guildwars, FF11, EQ1 and 2, age of camolot. Their are others that slip my mind at the moment.
Im a hardcore player, in the sense that, gear be damned, If someone needs to rush into 20 people, then that someone will be me. Though I am not ignorant of the fact that rushing into a large group of players is normally not prudent.
Im a metal head, Im in college working toward my associates for computer science.
If you got any questions ill be glad to answer them, im not a private person.
Though im more of a listener than a talker, so 80% of the time my conversations are started by someone else.
Vec Peregrinus
11-14-2008, 09:23 PM
Hello new cannon member! Welcome to Wessex!
Alistair Black
11-14-2008, 09:26 PM
Ah, cannon fodder! what an appropriate title to be given to one like myself.
Rhygar apGwynn
11-14-2008, 09:29 PM
At least you have found your place! :) Welcome.
Alistair Black
11-14-2008, 09:37 PM
fear not, i am prepared to be tea bagged by even the largest of naval ships!
Gustaph Calgacus
11-14-2008, 10:10 PM
Welcome to the forums.
I get the feeling you are going to fit in just fine. :D
Vec Peregrinus
11-14-2008, 11:12 PM
Indeed, Feels likes he has been here for years.
Joe Bob
11-14-2008, 11:40 PM
I can be used as cannon fodder for beta keys.
Oakk Haddock
11-15-2008, 01:49 AM
Welcome to our community Stone.
What computer hardware do you have?
How many hours a day do you normally play? You sound like someone who plays a lot.
Alandarus Barbatus
11-15-2008, 02:02 AM
Troas Archetto
11-15-2008, 02:04 AM
Hey another TM to join the ranks of the other 50TM's we got running around. Just dont piss off the sheriff, he might piss on you.
Alistair Black
11-15-2008, 03:18 AM
well, im not running any thing spectacular
vista 64 bit
8 gigs ram ddr2 800
quad core 2.5 OCed to 2.8( insufficient cooling for any more)
runs any game I've thrown at it fine enough. most on max settings.
back in middle and high school i was an 8 hour a day kinda guy, now i play odd hours, usually 3-4 hours total on a game a day.
i try to get an hour in before i go to work so i wake up early...then after work and my night classes at the community college and my, ("omg hes so lying")("no hes not")("yes he is, look at this guy, hes probably never even talked to a girl")("what ever")("whats with all these qoutes?") girlfriend. usually play 2-4 hours at night. Though were only seeing each other every other day so that leaves a lot more play time.
ZhenYu Omega
11-15-2008, 03:28 AM
Welcome to the duchy!
Robert Namo
11-15-2008, 06:52 AM
Welcome, I really like your computer set up. Makes me jealous.:mad:
Rhygar apGwynn
11-15-2008, 08:38 AM
Though were only seeing each other every other day so that leaves a lot more play time.
That's need to put your foot down! :rolleyes:
A guy needs his gaming time.
thank, God, my wife can't read these posts...
Mason Kalgar
11-15-2008, 11:38 PM
Have you had any troubles runing Vista?
Welcome to Wessex!
Tarscanian Sothenic
11-15-2008, 11:43 PM
welcome friend
Alistair Black
11-16-2008, 12:03 AM
no troubles running vista as of yet...turned off some of the annoying features...8 gigs of ram defenatly help take some of the load off when it comes to the vista OS.
good to see all the greatings, pretty soon ill be comfortable enough to pass gas without some crazy story of stepping on a frog.
Oakk Haddock
11-16-2008, 02:22 AM
well, im not running any thing spectacular
vista 64 bit
8 gigs ram ddr2 800
quad core 2.5 OCed to 2.8( insufficient cooling for any more)
Nice. I have a Intel Q6600 2.4 Quad and a 8800 GT sitting in my closet. Nice to know it'll run anything. I was going to invest in 4 gigs of 1033 DDR2, but I haven't even bought my motherboard yet.
Though were only seeing each other every other day so that leaves a lot more play time.
Makes each time you see her even better I bet. Seeing someone everyday gets annoying, I can't even imagine being married.
I'm glad you take gaming seriously.
Proximo Coriolanus
11-16-2008, 03:37 PM
Welcome to the forums, nice system you got there you any good at FPSs? we've got a Age of Chivalry team for the league.
Alistair Black
11-17-2008, 03:17 AM
Im pretty decent at FPS's Ive only played seriously on 2 of them though....a crappy on called warrock ...2.2 k/d....and cod4...2.6 kd....though its easy to get kd high in cod4 on the right maps.
more of a mmo guy and fps at a pass time untill i want to play my mmo again.
Komako the Hawk
11-17-2008, 03:32 AM
My most recent gaming MMO experience is with Warhammer online, I was a beta tester for about 10 months prior to release, and decided I did not want to purchase and play it. The lack of content was what did it in for me.This concerns me: if Darkfall is not all it's cranked up to be, will you still play games with Wessex?
Joining a clan is cool, but loyalty to a clan is important. Do you have what it takes to sacrifice your personal ambitions for the good of Wessex?
Troas Archetto
11-17-2008, 03:35 AM
I think ive played almost every free mmorpg released in the last 5 years, along with D1, and D2
Not to be nit-picky but these dont constitute as MMO's. They are just multiplayer lan games, or private server games.
Just to FYI for you, becuase out there someone will scream at you for calling these mmo's.
You can say you were very good at the PvP in that game.
Welcome though.
Alistair Black
11-17-2008, 02:31 PM
Well to you who was last clan that i officially joined...
We joined before the release of a game...played that game for around 6 terribly bored...but spent the next two years (first in teamspeak, then in ventrillo) talking. Ill still on occasion talk to them.
We never officially picked another game to progress in, but i digress.
Its not the game i come to a clan (or guild) for, its the community, and system the clan is built around.
and for you to who said that D1 and D2 are not mmos...i know...but i must mention them for they are the greatest addiction ive ever had, and the toughest addiction i ever broke free from.
Alistair Black
11-28-2008, 03:07 PM
great news, my and my fiance ended it, now i have tons more time to play if the game ever comes out. woo.
Aery Thiralis
11-28-2008, 05:35 PM
You and your fiance broke up, and it's no big deal ?
Heheh I like you :D
Alistair Black
11-28-2008, 10:48 PM
oh well it matters in other parts of my life, but as for gaming, thats a big winner.
Dreign Swift
11-29-2008, 04:20 AM
Never welcomed you to the clan. Welcome :).
oh well it matters in other parts of my life, but as for gaming, thats a big winner.
That's one small fail for love, one giant win for gameloverkind.
Alistair Black
11-29-2008, 06:40 PM
you got that right Dreign, good meet to every one on here
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