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View Full Version : Medalling Ceremony-1/12/06

Nira Nathair
03-16-2006, 08:53 PM
Once again, the burgesses, peasants and common freemen of Wessex lined the great avenue leading from the ducal palace to the ornate edifice of the Cathedral of St. Germain, and once again, the noble and grand procession issued from the palace with sublime pomp and majesty.

This time, it was Ellison Montjoy who held the display box of the medals on the pulpit within the Cathedral. His Grace the duke mounted and addressed the congregation.

"Friends, we have done it. We have successfully re established ourselves, and we have done so well in advance of the foreseen population boom upon the lands, so that we are well in hand to receive this gale and set our course with much ambition. And in this re establishment, we've pulled a hearty harvest of new individuals, real shining stars who add their gilt and glory to our cause. And among them, already we have those who are deserving of our ducal acknowledgement and award. I give you the latest of our medal awardees..."

The duke turned and pulled 2 decorations from Ellison's display, one with a prominent bar. "Nira Nathair, please come forward. To Nira Nathair, my newest herald, I award a double Achievement Medal. Both are for the excellence with which she has taken to the art of heraldry, a practice not a native pursuit for her. The first I award for her diligence in sending missives far and wide to recruit for the duchy. The second, represented by this crossbar, I award for her accomplishment in the art of heraldry in the commission of a new esquire's arms. I also award her a Commendation Medal for her contribution to the education of the wayward children of the duchy.

"To Angeleon Askeroth, master of the tinker's art, I award the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for his construction of a machine for the duchy.

"To Beric, Reeve of the Ducal Court, I award an Achievement Medal for his efforts in recruitment.

"To Damadar, I award an Achievement Medal, also for his recruitment efforts.

"Avarice, sheriff of the duchy, receives from me a Commendation Medal for his part in a ploy to fool a rival faction in the public forum.

"Vladius Dimitri, sheriff of the duchy, also receives an Achievement Medal for his recruitment efforts.

"The legendary Lord Von Fishbarrel, Knight Commander of the Solar Legion, is further distinguished today by the awarding of a Distinguished Star of Merit for his contact with the leading figures of the world and discourse therein.

"To several previous awardees I also award a longevity medal to signify the completion of a period of three months' service. Congratulations to all ! "

The pews rumbled with applause and cheers, but then a curious and portentous thing occured. Almost as if in answer to the uproar, though it cannot have been but a coincidence of timing, a royal barge sailing the distant Albe fired a report from its cannons...