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View Full Version : speaking of witch

11-11-2008, 03:50 AM
I see alot of newcomers joining wessex with a backround of them selvs i have yet to do this and let the others outside of Sleggjaholl know who i am. So lets break it down for some people.

I am a 19 living in the ouskirts of a town in central Minnesota. I have been excited for darkfall for along time since UO had Failed me when EA games took that over. I am a big fan of long Range combat. so with that said paintball is a very big hobby of mine also archery and playing guitar. I don't know what quite else to put here so if you have any question just ask.

k Thanks

Robert Namo
11-11-2008, 03:52 AM
hehe, what will you be planning on doing once in darkfall and what race do you plan on playing as?;)

11-11-2008, 03:58 AM
Well namo i do have an answere for you. I will Be playing human and the route i plan on taking in Darkfall is that i will start of as long range combate working up to the rank of Ranger or higher and also hunting/skinning for leather collecting that for Sleggjaholl and the rest of Wessex that needs it. ^_^

Alandarus Barbatus
11-11-2008, 12:21 PM