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06-19-2006, 02:18 PM
Hello my friends,
*his ice blue eyes look at you with a certain confidence about them, long black hair resting upon his shoulders and flowing down his back*
I am Raihn Eveslayer... and I am hoping to soon be joining your ranks and begin to defend the Duchy.
I plan on becoming an archer and swordsman, archer primarily however.
My strengths lie in the ability to take leadership very quickly in an intense battle *he smiled some with that certain, confident look again*, and the ability to strategize in the most heated situations.
It is my wish to raise through the ranks of the Duchy, and successfully become a high ranking officer eventually. *he nodded then, bowing gracefully*
Should i be accepted, it will be an honor to not only fight, but work alongside such a respectable group of people.
My ideal purpose is to eventually become a Ranger or Knight -- depending on which path opens first....

Jord Hunter
06-19-2006, 03:57 PM
Well met Raihn!

Our garrison grows stronger by the day! :)

06-19-2006, 05:50 PM
Thank you my friend. *he let a slight grin cross his slender elven face*
I am very anxious to join you in battle one day soon.

Dafur Gewissae
06-19-2006, 06:24 PM
( Hope your application goes well. If so, welcome :D. )

Komako the Hawk
06-19-2006, 07:11 PM
(( Have you considered Ranger and Baronet (Knight)?

It's quite possible you could be both. ))

06-19-2006, 11:59 PM
( i am now that i know it's possible!! =D i really love the lay out you all have...))

06-19-2006, 11:59 PM
(sorry, apparently it logged me out..that was me)

06-20-2006, 12:27 AM
Welcome Raihn.

06-20-2006, 12:32 AM
*he smiled some* Hello and thank you, brother. *he outsretched a hand* Good to meet you

06-20-2006, 12:40 AM

06-20-2006, 01:13 AM
Takes Raihns hand and gives it a brisk shake.

Once again, welcome to the Duchy of Wessex, it's nice to see a new denizen who has already planned out how he wants to progress in our society.

(Sometime when you're ready, you should join us in IRC, thats where the majority of meeting and greeting takes place)

06-20-2006, 01:21 AM
*He grinned some at getting the handshake* Yes, i like to have things planned ahead, It is always good to have a goal. *he laughed a bit, probably more than he should have at the occasion*

(i'm clueless as to what IRC is, otherwise i would =pp lol)

06-20-2006, 01:28 AM
Try downloading mIRC or if you have trillian starting a connection. Then our join address is irc.afraidyet.net port 6667. If you get connected type /join #wsx and you'll be in our channel.

Surly von Fishbarrel
06-20-2006, 01:30 AM
IRC stands for internet relay chat, it's basically an instant messanger for large communities. Trillian and mIRC are the two most common clients for it.

06-23-2006, 07:07 AM
Greetings m'lord Raihn *bows then embraces his new brother* I am new to the duchy as well and am looking foreward to our adventures together. *taps his chin in thought* although I technically am not a member to the fairy Duchy as of yet... but I'm sure they'll surrender to my charm *smirk*

06-26-2006, 07:43 AM
*smiled some, a bit amused at this person's confidence resembling his own*
Hello my friend, heheh.
*due to his silent and somewhat anti-social nature, he was at a lack for words*
Hopefully i will see you one day on the field, foot upon an ork's chest and blade through his skull.
*he let out an abrupt laugh* heh.
*he then flipped his long black hair over his shoulder*
what a sight this will be....

06-26-2006, 07:46 AM
copied from a post of mine in the Roleplaying section of Darkfall's forums

I'll be playing a Mirdain named Raihn Eveslayer, who will usually wear leather armor or chain, depending on the situation. and i will be duel wielding sabres or scimitars, along with archery, throwing, and some 2 handed skill trained as well.

As for my story...
I'll be a Mirdain from a well respected, but lower classed Mirdain family from the woods, away from the pressures of the city, my father before me would have been an elite Knight in the Mirdain army.

I however, will have had the training of my father but avoided any connection to the newer ways. I will not be a believer in the more recent gods that the Mirdain believe in...instead a pagan that believes in following the earth, i suppose a druid.

and a traditionalist in culture. I will be connected to the nature in many ways, and probably be a metal worker(armor and weapons) or alchemist/herbalist.

Also expecting to have some healing spells in my spell arsenal as well as movement increasing spells, perhaps some elemental magic also(to show his connection to nature). I probably wont have stealth as i prefer to fight my way through any enemies as my morale is rather high most of the time.

However, the spells will be second to his combating skills, as he prefers the use of blades and archery over magic.

Raihn will be about self respect, respect of the earth and nature, honor-if fighting against someone seen as worthy to him(good/neutral alligned characters...mahirim,orks,alfar,thieves, bandits,etc will be targets for him), he will be a rather silent individual, keeping his thoughts to himself, and a bit of a social outcast...but when he does make friends, he keeps them and opens himself up to him
I plan as playing Raihn as a solo character...he will be in the Duchy of Wessex(i believe i was accepted ^.^;;; ), but will be silent to those that he isn't close to

07-02-2006, 04:14 PM
in the The Bivouac Inn and Tavern (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=12) section, i posted a reply to the "Character Backtories" post.. ^.^

it's after some more revision of how i would like to play my character...please check it out.