View Full Version : Intro and questions

10-31-2008, 05:12 PM
Greetings. As a newly registered member of the forums, this sounded like the proper place to say hello and ask a question. So first off....Hello.

Now that it appears that Darkfall is going to be a little more than vapourware and empty promises, I thought it was time to start looking for a clan to join. I have a long record in MMOs but have grown tired of the fly-by-night guilds that survive for 2 months and then break apart. It is time for the quest to find something a little more permanent, which has led me here. I enjoy trying out all aspects of a game, but in the end, I'm a crafter. It's what I enjoy the most and it's what I'm good at. Which brings me to my question about your social structure. It sounds like the primary way a villein becomes a free man is to build a business in one of the towns/boroughs. I can only assume that eventually all the land in the towns will be occupied and none will be available, or whoever is in charge of city planning will decide that they do not need another weaponsmith/armorer/etc. Is there going to be another way for crafters to gain their freedom? Such as buying it directly from their leigelord? They would not have their own business, but they would be free to perhaps lease time at someone elses forge. Also is it allowed for two villeins to open their business together and both become Burgesses?

I look forward to hearing your opinions. Until then, lots of things on the forum to read.


Dreign Swift
10-31-2008, 07:53 PM
Greetings. As a newly registered member of the forums, this sounded like the proper place to say hello and ask a question. So first off....Hello.

Now that it appears that Darkfall is going to be a little more than vapourware and empty promises, I thought it was time to start looking for a clan to join. I have a long record in MMOs but have grown tired of the fly-by-night guilds that survive for 2 months and then break apart. It is time for the quest to find something a little more permanent, which has led me here. I enjoy trying out all aspects of a game, but in the end, I'm a crafter. It's what I enjoy the most and it's what I'm good at. Which brings me to my question about your social structure. It sounds like the primary way a villein becomes a free man is to build a business in one of the towns/boroughs. I can only assume that eventually all the land in the towns will be occupied and none will be available, or whoever is in charge of city planning will decide that they do not need another weaponsmith/armorer/etc. Is there going to be another way for crafters to gain their freedom? Such as buying it directly from their leigelord? They would not have their own business, but they would be free to perhaps lease time at someone elses forge. Also is it allowed for two villeins to open their business together and both become Burgesses?

I look forward to hearing your opinions. Until then, lots of things on the forum to read.


Firstly, welcome to the forums.

Some will be Burgesses with a ship as the center of their business, some will be Burgesses with a building as the center of their business. A Commoner can buy his way to Freeman status, yes, but I believe to be a Burgess you have to make that sizeable investment for your business. I'd imagine that a newly paid-out Freeman who doesn't require a building to craft his goods can make a respectable business for himself without a ship or a building, but whether or not he can be called a Burgess I do not know.

Alandarus Barbatus
10-31-2008, 08:31 PM
Welcome to the forums.

Andien von Lowestadt
10-31-2008, 11:56 PM
Welcome to Wessex, i look forward to seeing you around. :)

Proximo Coriolanus
11-01-2008, 01:13 AM

Gustaph Calgacus
11-01-2008, 01:49 AM
Welcome to the forums. :)

Robert Namo
11-03-2008, 04:31 PM

11-03-2008, 09:14 PM
welcome to the forums glad to have you on board

11-04-2008, 12:37 PM
I'm not sure if it allowed yet or not, but I sent a request to join Duchy of Wessex on the darkfall forums.