View Full Version : Hail!

Baron Mordegan
10-06-2008, 12:30 PM

I am Baron Mordegan (Baron is a name not a title -- used it since 1997). I was an avid MMORPG player for years but since the downfall of SWG and the dismal rp failure of POTBS I took a break. I am looking to recapture some of the old pvp skills that I had back in the days of old UO.

I plan on being a major combatant and leader eventually --- and I stumbled across this clan. I loved the amount of work people have put into making it an obvious success. I hope to get to know all of you over time and definitely look forward to raising swords in victory over our enemies.


PS I need appropriate access for a villein

Vasidius Kalgar
10-06-2008, 12:39 PM
Welcome to Wessex Baron.

How much time did you spend playing UO?

Decimus Kalgar
10-06-2008, 12:42 PM
Welcome to Wessex mate. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Theodoric Brionne
10-06-2008, 12:55 PM
Welcome to Wessex.

Baron Mordegan
10-06-2008, 01:02 PM
Welcome to Wessex Baron.

How much time did you spend playing UO?

I played 7 years on atlantic. If your familiar with Atlantic I was in the old Stormhaven..which I joined in 2000 and played UO since it was released. Year 7 of the game killed the fun for me when neon stuff and stat padding came in.

Gustaph Calgacus
10-06-2008, 04:19 PM
Welcome to Wessex mate. :)

Markus Tyrell
10-06-2008, 06:11 PM
Much love for oldschool UOers!
Welcome to the Duchy I hope you enjoy your stay

Alandarus Barbatus
10-06-2008, 07:42 PM
Welcome to Wessex. It was too bad about the downfall of SWG it was a decent game before CU.

Barden Jusik
10-06-2008, 08:31 PM
Welcome to Wessex mate!

Erwin Carius
10-06-2008, 09:36 PM
You should become a Baron, then you'd be just like Major Major.

Mason Kalgar
10-08-2008, 03:52 AM
Welcome to trialhood.

Dreign Swift
10-08-2008, 07:55 AM
Welcome to the forums, Baron.

Geoffrey Numbers
10-08-2008, 03:29 PM
Welcome buddy, its always nice to see old UO players around.

Baron Mordegan
10-11-2008, 08:16 PM
thanks for the welcome fellas..I am sooo looking forward when this game gets released!!

Proximo Coriolanus
10-11-2008, 09:42 PM
Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex