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Vesuvius Moltenforge
10-05-2008, 05:08 AM
After much research and indecision I've finally decided to swear allegiance to a clan. Lo and behold it just so happened to be the Duchy of Wessex. Darkfall has been on my radar for awhile I'm preparing to part ways with college, family, and friends in order now that it seems the inevitable day of Darkfall's release is looming. I plan on becoming a small time drug dealer to support a lifestyle centered around DF and maybe buy a parrot. Until that time comes though I'm a music obsessed freshman in college who spends the entirety of his paycheck on concerts and gas to get to said concerts. I'm an American who spends as much time in other countries as my paycheck allows and I speak a smidgen of French. I've been doing the whole pen and paper role playing thing for awhile too. Everything from D&D, White Wolf, In Nomine, SLA, and a few others. Um...one time I killed a motorcyle gang of chain saw wielding grizzly bears while making love to bus full of shamelessly saucy women. Enough about me though it is the new Wessex loyal, Vesuvius Moltenforge, who is here to be introduced to the masses.

So the niche I plan on having for Vesuvius down the road is somewhere along the lines of an influential burgess with his own shop perhaps with ties to the Church. I'm not sure exactly how I'll make this work, if at all possible, but I do want a decent balance of successful burgess and healer. If it is too difficult to merge these two roles Vesuvius will concentrate on his shop and offer his healing abilities on particuraly risky business ventures.

Being hard headed dwarf with a unsatiable appetite for wealth will most likely lead to rather aggressive business tactics. He will be ruthless and tactful when it comes to eliminating threats to his potential revenue, but rather generous and helpful to any Wessex brethren. The ultimate goal is to eventually gather enough resources and prestige to be one day working as or with the Exchequer or Steward of Trade. In the mean time he will spend his days selling his wares and partaking in outlandish but hopefully rewarding business endeavors.

Vesuvius will need plenty of allies and partners. There will be the usual business partnerships and resources, but Vesuvius may need something extra to support his brand of trade. He will need to assemble or hire a reliable group of go-getters to aid him in the constant pursuit of gold. Whether this is by investigating a rumor of some fabled item, escorting some valuable goods, or aiding in aggresive negotiations the group will likely be busy and rewarded handsomely.

So in a nutshell I plan on playing a business savvy dwarf and crafting virtuoso who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to ensure the best products for his customers. All the while providing the citizens of Wessex with superior equipment so the Duchy may prosper and remain a respectable and influential power in Darkfall. So yea...how goes it?

Manus Dei
10-05-2008, 05:09 AM
Sounds like a deacon burgess is your best bet. Welcome to the land. You've come to the right place to pursue these aspirations.

ZtyX Roman
10-05-2008, 05:28 AM
Ya. Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex

Alandarus Barbatus
10-05-2008, 05:35 AM
Welcome to Wessex.

Robert Namo
10-05-2008, 05:47 AM

Dreign Swift
10-05-2008, 07:30 AM
Welcome to the forums, Vesuvius.

Do I have it right that you're one of the recent Australian additions?

Vesuvius Moltenforge
10-05-2008, 09:56 AM
I appreciate all of the welcome gestures thus far. However, I'm afraid I'm in the States and not among the ranks of our Aussie mates although I understand thier time slot is going to be rather useful.

Theodoric Brionne
10-05-2008, 10:17 AM
Welcome to Wessex. If you have any questions about the Church, please ask.

Aery Thiralis
10-05-2008, 12:30 PM
You are most welcome Vesuvius..

Seems like you have quite a good idea of what you want to do, so go you!

Tewdric Veincrusher
10-05-2008, 12:38 PM
Welcome to Wessex. You seem like a admirable fellow

Gustaph Calgacus
10-05-2008, 12:47 PM
Welcome to Wessex.

Good introduction post. :)

Vesuvius Moltenforge
10-05-2008, 11:23 PM
Once again many thanks for the new slew of greetings. I do want to take up Theodoric's offer of inquiring about the church however. As a burgess, what obligations would I hold to the church? Would there be certain protocol that I would have to uphold that might run into any morally questionable business tactics?

Decimus Kalgar
10-06-2008, 12:01 AM
Nice introduction mate.

It's good to see you know exactly where you want to go in darkfall.

Welcome to Wessex.

Erwin Carius
10-06-2008, 12:19 AM
Sounds like a nice plan you have there. Welcome to Wessex.

Geoffrey Numbers
10-06-2008, 12:32 AM
Welcome! I may be told off for this, but you might also want to check out our ally and partner the Anvil Society, they being a dwarf centric guild. AFAIK you can switch between the two guilds at a later date if you wish.

However, if RP is your thing and you dig feudal societies, you've come to the right place!

Once again, welcome!