View Full Version : The first few steps
Niadr Numviatmahr
06-11-2006, 11:22 PM
This is my first time visiting these boards as a registered user. I have to say it is good looking. Some of you may know me as Darkmatter from the official forums. Yes, I've been in the DF community for quite some time, maybe too long some would say - and who am I to disagree, but what is done is done. I've enjoyed being in the community for various reasons, the concept of the game itself of course, but also the many interesting people played a vital part in me staying. I've made many friends, and I hope to add more individuals to the list.
My knowledge of your group is rather limited, but I've checked around and some do think highly of you and respect your name. Though I've seen some of you on the boards, I can not say I've had the pleasure of gaining some insight about who you are, what your goals are, and why you chose Darkfall. The primary reason for me visiting you this day, is that I am seeking a group of likeminded people to enjoy Darkfall and other games as well. I got the word from a few of your members, and I wished to enquire further.
I've stayed on the path of the Mirdain ever since I joined the community years ago. I can not, and I will not abandon my race.
I need to know your stance, and whether or not there is a will to devote a sword and a thought to the sacred lands of Mirendil. It can be the only way.
Nira Nathair
06-11-2006, 11:49 PM
My mmorpg experience is mostly from DAoC. I was in a couple of different guilds there: one small, family-feel RP guild; and one of the top ranking "gank guilds" on our server. Neither of these had quite what I wanted: a focus on PvP combat with a dose of roleplay and good-natured fun.
Why I chose Darkfall as my next game is the same as many others: I was looking for something that had what DAoC lacked. Primarily that's empire/city building, politics, and trade. A real virtual world, a game with a lot more depth than the over-structured battleground-style PvP too common in the genre. The open pvp and full-loot aspects make for a game that's more open, and more challenging, and that's what really did it for me.
Basically, I want to do more than just run around in an 8-man team all day ganking noobs. That's fun, but not every night like it was in Dark Age. I wanted a game, and a guild, where I could feel like I was part of a team, and that together we could accomplish something and make our mark on the game world and community.
So Wessex was a pretty natural choice for me. We're a guild that's planning to get involved in every aspect of the game, to play DF to its fullest. Our focus is on PvP, and we combine RP into that in a very unique way through our feudal structure. We are organized, efficient, and fun, and I couldn't really ask for more.
At first I was intimidated by Wessex, it seemed so unlike my previous experiences. I thought there would be some RP whackos (which there are not - I'm probably the closest thing we have to one :p ), and I wasn't sure where I could fit in. I quickly found that my reservations were completely unfounded, and I've made some good friends here, of all different types.
Personally, I'd like to see us protecting the woodlands from the forces of chaos. (I may even end up playing an Elf instead of Dwarf come retail). But I imagine that depends largely on where we decide to plant, and with whom we can forge friendships. His Grace the Duke would be much better equipped to speak to this than I.
I apologize for rambling; I hope that gives you a better idea of who I am and why I chose Wessex.
Niadr Numviatmahr
06-12-2006, 12:14 AM
Hi Nira,
Thanks for the reply, it looks like you took your time writing all that down, and I appriciate the time spent. Clearly, you are both experienced when it comes to gaming, and mature when it comes to interacting with other people. It is so easy to spot people not remotely interested in making a proper post. I'll have to excuse my English at times, I'll blame it on being Norwegian. I do talk and write decent english, but at times it can fail me like any other person I guess. I'm very glad to hear that you're considering the Mirdain race.
I'll explain my situation further.
There aren't any Mirdain clans out there for me at this point. I've chosen to start looking beyond my requirement of joining Mirdain-only groups based on this fact. I've been a member of the Mirdain clan Orom?a, but after a while (over 2 years) I decided that a few aspects within the group had accumulated, and as a token of my respect to the majority of the group, which are also my friends - I chose to leave right after the Clan signups started. Meaning I missed out on a sure spot to represent Orom?a in the upcoming beta test. I felt this would be the best thing to do, to show that I would not just ride along with Orom?a and step down as member as soon as the beta had started. That isn't my way at all. I have thought about joining them again, but I felt that I should investigate my other options. I'm searching for a place who is mindful about the ongoing situation in the territories of the Alliance, and whom are willing to assist in its protection and has the genuine interest in its wellbeing. Those groups are hard to come by. I'd like to be part of something who has proper values, and don't run around killing anyone they see for no reason at all.
I'd like to hear about your goals as a group in Darkfall.
edit:If you have any questions for me, I'll do my best to answer them.
Echo Del' Torre
06-12-2006, 12:45 AM
I've stayed on the path of the Mirdain ever since I joined the community years ago. I can not, and I will not abandon my race.
I need to know your stance, and whether or not there is a will to devote a sword and a thought to the sacred lands of Mirendil. It can be the only way.
Your small speech there made me want to stand with you to protect Mirendil, it created visions of PvP in my head. I cannot wait.
I cannot say anything to in-depth about Wessex, as I just joined actually. But I can say you seem intelligent, good with words, and determined. I'm not really an expert in any of those three, but most in Wessex seem to be hehe.
Other than that I can say that I am here for the fight. Wessex has a nice structure, and one that I think will be good to fight for in game. No other games give me enough of that. I've PvP'd in tons of other MMO' s from DAoC, SWG, Planetside, UO (a little) COH, and many others. But they all come down to seeming pointless. Pointless PvP gets boring to me, in Wessex I hope to find something more to fight for.
So in the end, I guess what I'm saying really is if Wessex was to stand with the Mirendil, then I would definately stand with you. ;)
06-12-2006, 01:51 AM
Hello Niadr,
I first want to welcome you to our forums and thank you for visiting them, I hope you continue to enjoy your stay. This clan was not necessarily what I was looking for when I came to DF, I have lots of friends across many former and current shadowbane guilds but the organization, structure and people involved in this nation made it particularly unique, something that I had not really seen outside of DF, and though lore and roleplaying and such things had never been important to me, I decided to take a chance and am quite happy and satisfied with the results.
As for our plans in game, I do not wish to say anymore than Nira has because I don't want to cheapen an explanation that I think the Duke could provide more eloquently than myself or others.
I encourage you to come join us in IRC, there's usually a few of us just hanging about chatting, I'm sure that we'd be happy to answer as many questions as we're able.
I look forward to hearing about what your goals and desires are for Darkfall as well.
Niadr Numviatmahr
06-12-2006, 10:56 AM
Thanks Protonix,
It'll be a similar case for me then. I've primarily been after Mirdain-only guilds. But basicly there are none at all. I got quite a few answers on my 'Looking for guild' thread, and nobody actually fit the Mirdain description. I knew that I probably had to look at Alliance guilds as well. I wasn't sure if the Duchy of Wessex were on good terms with Mirendil - but seing that Nira here might even play as an elf, and by your official website you follow the lore - I guess you've got the safety of the woodlands at least somewhere on your list of priorities.
I'm not all about roleplaying either. I like it 'light', but never at a level where it actually hinders gameplay. Its all about having fun. Different people enjoy different things, and I'm not the one to mess up someones roleplaying if I find it to be too much or not done 'right'. There are so many ways to play thats relaxing yet still in-character, what I'm saying is that it doesn't take a lot of effort.
Anyway, I haven't been able to gather much information about you yet, so I'll leave it for IRC or MSN for that matter - I added my account to the profile. This is a situation where I need to find out whether or not you're the group for me, and of course its up to you to find out if I'm someone you wouldn't mind having around for the game.
Nira Nathair
06-12-2006, 10:51 PM
Well, no promises from me :p. Basically, it comes down to deciding if I want to focus on melee/support or magic/support, and how much difference there is between dwarves and mirdain on spellcasting; that will determine my race. I've always been more of an elf/celtic fan than dwarf/norse myself. We do have a few token Mirdain in our ranks, but not a substantial presence. I hope to see that change, even if I stick to dwarf.
One of our military branches is the Rangers, who are charged with protecting the lands of Wessex from invaders - they're our "anti's", you could say. Patrolling our lands and serving as scouts in war time, Mirdain are probably well suited to this role.
Our goals as a guild center more on the policital and empire building aspects. You will probably see us working with others to fight back the forces of chaos, particularly in regards to the Church (Morgaine), our neighbors, or anywhere else it affects the Duchy. So I don't think you'll find us making a three-hour march across the continent just to protect some woodland realm if it has no bearing on us, although some of our members might choose to do so. If the realm in question is a trading partner or other direct interest however, it is likely we would step in. The Duchy's first priority is, however, the Duchy.
Komako the Hawk
06-12-2006, 11:42 PM
((Greetings, Darkmatter.
I can assure you that this community is capable of providing what you seek. I'll be stereotypical, even though it is frowned upon, in saying that us RP geeks typically have the 'moral code' that discourages random griefing and killing.
We may not be a full Mirdain guild, but I have found that the Duchy of Wessex has to offer a dedicated community and a staff which never logs off the forums.
You're more then welcome to Wessex, and in my eyes have a respected position in the place of the Darkfall community. The 2000+ that is commonly seen next to your name, and the signatures that you designed under the names of community members speak for themselves concerning you.
Actually, you're not welcome, you're demanded - we need more elves.))
Nira Nathair
06-13-2006, 12:13 AM
We may not be a full Mirdain guild, but I have found that the Duchy of Wessex has to offer a dedicated community and a staff which never logs off the forums.
What the seeker means to say, Niadr, is that we have no lives. :D We take pride in our work and in our community.
You're more then welcome to Wessex, and in my eyes have a respected position in the place of the Darkfall community. The 2000+ that is commonly seen next to your name, and the signatures that you designed under the names of community members speak for themselves concerning you.
I couldn't agree more. And we could definitely put those artistic talents to good use around here if you were willing. Hop on IRC any time if you want to talk about that. :)
06-13-2006, 12:15 AM
((Thats open to opinion Komako! Treehuggers...))
Oakk Haddock
06-13-2006, 02:26 AM
Hola Niadr,
I'm Avarice Eil, the Sheriff in these parts. Its good to see a new member such as yourself come through, you seem well spoken and intelligent. Happy to know someone of your caliber was interested in our little community.
We're all friendly, except Von (thats just how he shows love though), and most of us only bite a little. Stop in on IRC and say "Hi!" We have some really colorful conversations on #wsx from time to time lol.
I'll let everyone get back to their chat, I just wanted to say hello.
Komako the Hawk
06-13-2006, 04:53 AM
((Thats open to opinion Komako! Treehuggers...))
Do I need to invoke wrath upon thee?
Elix Eviear
06-14-2006, 10:50 AM
I'm not too sure if this is my place to comment in, but I just felt the need to greet you, Niadr. You are one of the few that I consider a positive member of the community. I'm glad you've decided to venture into our guild, and if this means anything to you, I would be honored to see you join our ranks. I do believe we should talk sometime.
Welcome to Wessex!
Oh, and btw - your avatar(s) rock. Keep up the good work. :)
Oakk Haddock
06-14-2006, 11:29 AM
You have something on your nose Elix.
06-14-2006, 02:27 PM
Do I need to invoke wrath upon thee?
The wrath... of Greenpeace!!
Elix Eviear
06-15-2006, 01:02 AM
You have something on your nose Elix.
What's so wrong about chatting with an old friend?
Niadr Numviatmahr
06-17-2006, 11:24 PM
We're all friendly, except Von (thats just how he shows love though), and most of us only bite a little. Stop in on IRC and say "Hi!" We have some really colorful conversations on #wsx from time to time lol.
I'll let everyone get back to their chat, I just wanted to say hello.
Thanks for the welcome everyone,
I stopped by the wsx channel today.
If theres going to be internal disputes between races, as I'm more about members respecting eachothers racial choice, i'd be bothered by it. (Fighting for the same cause, and all that). There's going to be plenty of racial hatred directed to any of you individually from external sources. Its a sign of weakness to not be able to cast aside the differences when it comes to guildies. A comment now and then for fun is no problem for me though.
I learned that this guild is mainly a human based guild, I don't see the need to allow other races if that really is the official stance of the leadership. Not being fully accepted because of racial choice could cause minor annoyance in the long run. I'm probably being a bit nosy and critical now though ;)
Nira Nathair
06-18-2006, 12:02 AM
I don't think racial disharmony will be a problem. Any of that you see around here is just joking around, playing up the old stereotypes from Tolkien's books. We're all Wessex first, position second, and race third.
Niadr Numviatmahr
06-18-2006, 12:34 AM
A short story further describing Niadr.
Niadr learned to appriciate the work of a good craftsman. The passion for the arts of crafting he inherited from his father. For many years, they both worked together to help equip their people with the tools and equipment needed to survive. Niadr worked hard to live up to his fathers expectations, often he continued through the night into the early morning wanting to get small details and shapes just right.
War, random killing and destruction; Niadr never really understood what drove people of all different races into doing such terrible things to eachother. Several of his closest friends were constantly practising their bow and sword fighting ? often through childish games, and later on through hunting trips deep in the forest. They all had their idols right there in the same city ? all of them which were highly respected warriors and rangers. Niadr did also look up to these honorable elves. He was told that these individuals did what was required of them, like hunting for food, and fighting to the death to preserve our way life if they had to.
?Honor through death? Honor through devotion, loyality and identity.?
Time passed; Niadrs friends were extremely well trained now, handling their weapons as real professionals. Niadr were also partly involved in some of the regular training sessions arranged by the military - by his fathers request he also had become quite an able archer, every elf should be capable of defending himself if danger should arise, he was told.
Knowing how good equipment could save someone in a fight became even more important for Niadr the day he saw his best friends going away on their first mission as soldiers. They turned and waved back at the crowd that had gathered by the main gate wishing them, and the rest of the troops good luck. At that point, Niadr wished he was going with them. Quickly, he ran up on the east wall, gazing at the columns of soldiers down on the ground. He took a deep breath as the last line of soldiers marched out of viewing distance.
I`ll be a crafter mainly, but ?`ll have two mindsets, one thats deeply concentrated in the arts of crafting and the importance of it (reasonable, calm, understanding, hardworking) - and the other who wants to be an adventurer, a soldier, a killer for the cause. (compared to the other, this side of Niadr will be unpredictable, easely annoyed, could jump into foolish things, like going somewhere to prove he can do more than craft and ending up in dangerous situations).
Surly von Fishbarrel
06-18-2006, 02:00 AM
I'm glad to see the two sides of a crafter thought out in your short story, it sounds a lot like the backstory I had built up for myself in Shadowbane. You have your reasons for crafting. It's an art, one you're good at, and one you have a lot of pride in... but oh, to stop at merely making the tools seems almost criminal. Afterall, you know and appreciate the work more than any soldier. I'm also happy to see that "side" being more unpredictable. Where creation, art, and a connection to the craft end there are years of suppression that tend to make you a little cantankerous. At least, I'd imagine.
"Why can't I be a battlesmith? :("
Of course, that does tend to make you a little bit offish to the common grunt. I mean honestly, that guy couldn't possibly know half of what you do about equipment, battle, or even how to handle himself properly. Disgusting that they'll let their guantlets rust, only to complain for your help. Bastages.
Niadr Numviatmahr
06-18-2006, 11:20 AM
Creating the equipment, as for example weapons and armor, that your best of friends will wear when confronting the face of danger, it does leave you with a cold sense of responsibility to do your part. So if you can't join the actual battle with them, you work all night and prepare their equipment, thats the main essence of it really. Niadr isn't a soldier, he's tied down through a proud tradition of crafters in his family, sometimes this is a source of frustration, as his reasons to fight just keeps piling up, and he does overestimate his abilities from time to time.
-- One concern though for a mirdain crafter if he joined Wessex is that the resources for elven armor aren't nearby, as I'm sure most of that will be found in mirendil and not mercia. --
Surly von Fishbarrel
06-18-2006, 11:40 AM
Well... our plans for a place to plant aren't up for public debate yet. We'll have to see beta before we know for certain, but if you knew half of what we had going on regarding such logistics I'm sure you'd be put at ease. If all else fails, however, you should be looking at feudalism for a solution. Should the wood required to build sunbows not exist in our area, for instance, it would be well within your ability as a part of our guild to secure those resources with the guild's support.
As a burgess, for instance, you may even be granted a baronet's title for organizing what would essentially be a sub-guild whos sole purpose would be to further the elven crafts through securing proper resources, and providing the facilities and/or training to utilize it.
06-18-2006, 03:29 PM
I'd proudly wear your elven armor Niadr, im looking for a good balance of protection and the ability to be mobile without alot of weight so I can travel with bow and blade behind enemy lines, it'd do me much honor if you would make me a set sometime.
Surly von Fishbarrel
06-18-2006, 11:33 PM
Like HELL you will!
Aliria Dyair
06-18-2006, 11:36 PM
Like HELL you will!
oo, going over the house armorsmith good idea fenris. :D
06-19-2006, 01:44 AM
oo, going over the house armorsmith good idea fenris. :D
Nothing like poking fun at the old dorf.
Komako the Hawk
06-19-2006, 07:33 AM
Where is our... House Weaponsmith?
Fishbarrel may have to share his job...
Niadr Numviatmahr
06-19-2006, 06:42 PM
You plan on having 1 single armorsmith?
Nira Nathair
06-19-2006, 06:44 PM
Oh, no, that's just an affectionate title. I'm sure Lord Fishbarrel will have plenty of competition, though I doubt their skill can equal his own.
Dafur Gewissae
06-19-2006, 07:23 PM
Once I settle down I'm hoping to maybe get into the arts of the smithy.
Komako the Hawk
06-19-2006, 08:04 PM
You plan on having 1 single armorsmith?
Well, the Duke has never directly encouraged naked fighting...
Surly von Fishbarrel
06-19-2006, 09:44 PM
I'm just the guy responsible for the equipment that the nobles use. How I create said equipement is entirely up to me, and I've got a couple of smiths who'll work with me. Enough of them I may be supplying a large majority of Wessex even.
Niadr Numviatmahr
06-19-2006, 11:11 PM
Well its not a must for me to make armor, but it was what I originally intended to occupy myself with. But if I join the Wessex I shall reconsider the alternatives.
06-19-2006, 11:57 PM
Can never have too many smiths, i'd just have a go at it anyway.
Surly von Fishbarrel
06-20-2006, 02:25 AM
Hell if you want to be a smith, or a merchant, be a burgess. It's not like I have anything close to a monopoly on things. I'm just the (realistically) one who'll make sure our nobles are well equipped. It's my job ;) If you want to be more entrepreneurial, go for burgess. We have maybe one burgess in all of Wessex. The appeal of a merchant seems rather small for some reason!
Manus Dei
06-20-2006, 05:30 AM
That's right, Fishbarrel is only the "House" Armorsmith for the ruling family and a few knights. And that is what, 5 people in all of Wessex? No no, there is room aplenty for crafters of all sorts, and it would really be nice if more people were interested in pursuing the crafter avenue.
Niadr Numviatmahr
06-27-2006, 07:39 PM
Hi again, I wanted to -and needed- to say that I might not end up here anyway, I've talked a lot with the Kingdom of Eleador recently and it looks like I'll be going there instead. That being said, there were no cons here that made me suddenly go there, its been in the air for some time, as they too were an alternative when it comes to me joining an Alliance guild.
I'll be visiting these boards still and I want to thank you for the awsome welcome, with that kind of attitude I am absolutely positive that you'll succeed in this game, taking care of your own is a good thing always. With the amount of members you're hauling in at this stage, one won't be missed :)
I won't be saying good bye, as I'll keep in touch. A lot of your members has impressed me, a couple more so than others.
Komako the Hawk
06-27-2006, 07:48 PM
You're welcome anytime you choose.
06-27-2006, 08:14 PM
Look forward to your return.
Nira Nathair
06-27-2006, 09:12 PM
Thanks Niadr. Good luck in Eleador, I'm sure you'll enjoy working with them.
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