View Full Version : Moin Guys

09-18-2008, 07:46 AM
Hello everyone,
Im a new trial member and hope to join your ranks within the next weeks as a full member.
Because I have to go to work (late already), I will just post what I wrote in the application.
For anyone wondering, "Moin" is a german word from the northern regions and it means Hello, the reply is "Moin Moin".

Age: 23

Location: Vienna

Style: Im a powergamer all the way!
If I do something I do it right and as effective as possible.
I also love to group alot, its just so boring on my own, noone to talk to while hacking away at those nasty mobs.
But I hate PvE Raids ..

Why: You seem like a sophisticated community with enough players to make a difference in DFO!
And I want to play under a feudal leader again on an english server (Im german, it gives me a chance to enhance my english).
Also that you were (and are?) allied to LoD, which I fought in SBs early days (with HdO). Long time ago :D

Experience: Alot .. I started with UO RP-Freeshards when I was 14 and played nearly every game since.
DAoC and SB are my favorite games!

Talents: What I love more than anything is trying out new skills, making different builds and testing them in pvp and pve.
So after a while I know alot about the game and its mechanics.
So I guess I have a strength for skilling ..
Im also a decent pvp player and I would agree to training some of the new players in the way of PvP.

Referral: Sidius attracted me :D
He send me a pm and asked me if I would be interested and we continued to talk via pm a bit.

Geoffrey Numbers
09-18-2008, 08:15 AM
Willkommen, wie gehts?

Ich wohne in den Niederlanden und hier gebrauchen auch die frieslanders "moin". Es kommt aus/von "mooi" (Schon) i.e. "mooien dag" = "moin"

Gustaph Calgacus
09-18-2008, 08:17 AM
Welcome. :)

Where do you see yourself in Wessex?

Dreign Swift
09-18-2008, 08:51 AM
Moin, Moin, Talysin!

Sounds like you've been around the block a bit and have a lot to offer. Welcome to the forums and best of luck with your application :)

Hope you're not still mad at LoD and/or those who allied with them.. :p

Vasidius Kalgar
09-18-2008, 09:39 AM
Good to see you made it Talysin, hope you enjoy your expeirence here. :)

Robert Namo
09-18-2008, 01:05 PM

09-18-2008, 04:34 PM
Moin, Moin, Talysin!

Sounds like you've been around the block a bit and have a lot to offer. Welcome to the forums and best of luck with your application :)

Hope you're not still mad at LoD and/or those who allied with them.. :p

No I always enjoy a good fight :)

Beric Veincrusher
09-18-2008, 07:20 PM
Servus, I'm assuming you've got some experience living in northern Germany?

Morse Sans Membres
09-20-2008, 10:58 PM
From the title, I thought it was someone typing in a bad Scottish or Scot-like accent.

Also, welcome.

09-21-2008, 09:03 AM
welcome to the forums, dude

09-21-2008, 09:05 AM
Servus, I'm assuming you've got some experience living in northern Germany?

What do you mean?
I have been living in northen germany all my life ..