View Full Version : I come to help and serve.(Introduction)

Asmodien Manjere
09-14-2008, 01:05 AM
" I have come my master , what is your will?" Asmodien ask bowing his head in repect.

The chamber had a few lit candles that barely gave any illumination, a voice responded from the darkness booming with a power of untold ages.

" Asmodien you are needed once more, you must prepare for a journey that will take you to a world that has fallen into darkness."

" I understand my master, has the one that should never be named come to this world?" Asmodien ask with a heavy heart knowing he might have to face hardship and sorrow once more.

" No , there is new threat that exist on that world, you must go there and make sure it doesnt comsume those that dwell there."

" Very well my master , as always the balance must be preserved. Where exactly is it Im going to my master?" Asmodien ask in mild curiosty, he has seen so many different worlds and planes with his dark eyes that it doesnt excite him to see new places anymore.

" The world is called Argon , and on it lives a king who is forging a new nation, this kingdom will be instrumentel in the events that will come to this world. You will help this king and his people succeed in the fragile days of the kingdom's birth. You are not to ever take direct command, only to help and guide them down the right path."

" Of course my master , I know my oath to the Shadow Council, I know to never directly interfere in the affairs of mortals. I will carry out my mission and the balance will be preserved on this world. I will make sure this new kingdom doesnt fall into the darkness."

" Good Asmodien , you have always been one of our best agents and that is why we sending you. The portal is open now , go and may the blessing the council go with you."

"Yes , my master, I am a shadow that stands before the candle and the star." Asmodien bows his head and lifts the hood of his robe over his head. The portal resided on the far end of the chamber and glowed with deep blue magical energy. A female drape in dark robes handed Asmodien a scroll, she bowed her head and slowly walk away.

Asmodien open the scroll and read walking slowly torwards the portal, nodding to himself in thought. He step through the portal not nocticing the surge of energy that comsume him. There was a brillent flash and Asmodien realised he was staring at a stonewall right before his eyes.

Shaking his head, thanking the heavens he didnt appear in the wall he turn to look around and realised he was near a towngate. Some guards where guarding the gate and turn to look at Asmodien with untrusting eyes as he walk up to them.

" What business do you have to be here stranger?" ask a gruff guardsmen.

" Is the Duke of Wessex the one in charge here?" Asmodien ask a quastion back in response.

"His majesty is ruler of this town , what do want with him?" the gruff guard ask not trusty this strange man in grey robes whose face he cant even see, the shadows of the hood covering the mans features.

" I have come to help and serve." Asmodien said smiling slightly under his hood.

(Thank you for accepting me to the clan, I look forward helping all of you in Darkfall.)


09-14-2008, 02:07 AM
Wow, great introduction.

Where do you see yourself in Darkfall? </Chrono>

Asmodien Manjere
09-14-2008, 06:29 AM
I have plans for my character , one is to become a freeman is this guild and perhaps set up a shop that sells magical items in the Duke's city. Reason for being a freemen is to have freedom to explore the world and increse my character power in magical skills. I can be someone the Duke can turn too to fill any niche that is needed for his plans.

I want my character(in role-playing context) to be someone the others in the Duchy can turn to for advice and help. I like the idea of my character showing up at the right moment to help a fellow guild member out of a tight spot then disspearing. Long term goal is to set up a guild in Darkfall and a possible branch in Mortal online. This guild will be a role-playing guild for mages and is divided into five orders that each serve a purpose in the guild. If I do start this guild if I get enough players to make it viable then I will ask the King for permission to join his alliance and then find a place for mages to call home.

Thusard von Hellman
09-14-2008, 08:59 AM
Welcome to Wessex!

Gustaph Calgacus
09-14-2008, 12:13 PM
Welcome. :)

Aery Thiralis
09-14-2008, 03:00 PM
W-w-w-w-w-ELCOME !

Dreign Swift
09-14-2008, 04:32 PM
Long term goal is to set up a guild in Darkfall and a possible branch in Mortal online. This guild will be a role-playing guild for mages and is divided into five orders that each serve a purpose in the guild. If I do start this guild if I get enough players to make it viable then I will ask the King for permission to join his alliance and then find a place for mages to call home.

Welcome to the forums, Asmodien. Not sure exactly what your goal entails, but just so you know, we do have a place for Magi in Wessex, just in case you were thinking there was need to create a separate clan for them.

Nice to have you :).

Barden Jusik
09-14-2008, 05:05 PM
Welcome to wessex!