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View Full Version : RETIRED - Oath of Office - Cynric Oakheart, Envoy

Nira Nathair
03-16-2006, 08:34 PM
I, Cynric Oakheart envoy of the Ducal Court, hereby swear to uphold truth and dignity in the face any of adversity that may present itself to me.
I swear never to speak treason during my travels, no matter what negative circumstances may confront me. Whether it be physical pain, jail time, being put in the stocks, or even death, I will not resort to moving against the duchy.

I swear to divulge all information reguarding my embassy to the proper authorities upon my return. I will not hold back any information that could be detrimental to the duchy. If I do, I understand that I may lose my title, be fined heavily, or possibly even become subject to exile from the Duchy of Wessex.

I swear never to move against the duchy's interests in foreign affairs. Whether this be merely for self-gain, to spite a member of the duchy who I have feuded with, or any other reasons that may arise.
I swear never to divulge unecesary information reguarding the duchy's private agendas, political standings, or my own personal beliefs on a matter without the consent of His Grace, the Steward of Trade, or the House Diplomat. I will always conduct myself diplomatically and without fault. I will abide by excellency in my speech and actions.

I swear to conduct all foreign and domestic affairs under the standards that the duchy represents. By this I mean not to intoxicate myself while performing my duties, lose focus on the matter at hand, or give a lackluster effort in my actions. At all times I will put forth one hundred percent of my ability. If I fail to do so, I understand that my position as envoy might be stripped from me without notice.

Cynric Oakheart,
Envoy of the Ducal Court